26.1 C


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Agnya chakra Qualities:

Thoughtless awareness, forgiveness, compassion, resurrection.

Causes of Catches:

Uncontrolled thinking, too much reading or looking at TV, Jewish or Christian “Fanaticism”, worries, psychopharmaca, sexual fantasies, flirting, pornographic, unforgiving nature.


Use the mantra of Shri Jesus Mary or Shri Mahavishnu or Shri Mahalakshmi.

Use Affirmation: “Mother, make me a forgiving and sacrificing person.”

Give vibrations by directing the vibration to the centre Agnya chakra, located inside the head at the point of crossing of the chiasma opticalis at the pituitary gland.

Know, that when the Kundalini rises to your Agnya chakra, all your past sins are forgiven and you karmas are dissolved. Forget the past. The future doesn’t exist, just be in the present.

Develop the state of thoughtless awareness: alert but not thinking. Nirvichar Samadhi. Use this state to dissolve your tendency to think too much.

Pray the “Lords Prayer” with the whole heart.

Watch in a relaxed way, the Agnya of Mother’s photograph.

Apply vibrated kumkum or sandalwood oil or balm on the forehead to protect the Agnya Chakra.

Let the downflow of the “Brahmashakti” remove all the angularities in your thinking, so that your thoughts and attention gets purified.

Use the light element, the subtle aspect of fire element, to enlighten this chakra.

Where there has been any “initiation” by a false guru, longer treatment may be required to remove the “badhas” put into the Agnya by the false guru. (Clear your Void also.)

Look through a flame at the photograph of Mother

Smell scented flowers.


RIGHT AGNYA Qualities:

Ego, “I-ness”

Causes of Catches:

Wrong ideas about GOD, doubt, worries, violence against others, aggressive attitude, egoism


Use the mantra of Shri Maha Kartikeya – Maha Hanumana – Maha Buddha – and Maha Saraswati. For ego use these mantras and in addition use Mahat Ahamkara.

Use Affirmation: “Shri Mataji, I forgive everybody, including myself” and “Shri Mataji, by Your grace, keep me in your divine attention.”

Give vibrations to the forehead, whole right side and also left top of head.

Reduce the pressure of the ego by stroking from the left temple over the forehead towards the right side, keep stroking downwards on the right side towards the right Swadisthana Chakra (Maha Saraswati Shakti).

Where there is an excessive over bloating of the ego, the Super ego becomes squeezed and “memory problem” shows up. Treatment as above.

Forgive everyone. Do not hold grudges or unforgiving attitudes, as others can manipulate your thoughts.

To forgive is the simplest thing when seen in this light and it is also a great power of protection from malevolent thoughts. The power of forgiveness makes you very strong, and beautifully opens the way of Kundalini to the Sahasrara.

Try to see that Lord Jesus Christ was opening the way to the spiritual rebirth. When this Agnya Chakra clears, our awareness fills with the light of HIS being, now in Shri Mataji.

Allow no unrealised person to touch your Agnya between the eyebrows or your eyelids.

Where there is excessive heat in the front and left side, or top, put icebag.

Do not be “futuristic”. The future does not exist in the present. If right Swadisthana is caught, very often Agnya also is caught. This gives serious problems and should be corrected by the treatments given above.

Forget the many wrong “conditionings”. See the essence that was Christ.

Stop all meditative practices which involve the Agnya. Do not use concentration or visualisation techniques and abandon “mind control” methods, clairvoyance, hypnosis and other “Siddhis” of the right Agnya Chakra. They are possessions and must be removed.



Constitution, remembrance, capacity of seeing (eyesight)

Causes of Catches:

Harm yourself, selfpity, conditionings, if you cannot forgive yourself


Use the mantra of Shri Maha Ganesha – Maha Bhairava – Shri Mahavira – and Shri Mahakali and in addition Shri Manas Ahamkara.

Use Affirmation: “Shri Mataji, by your grace, please forgive me.”

Give vibrations to the back of the head, and for superego to the whole of the head Without feeling guilty ask for forgiveness.

Avoid all impure use of the eyes. (This is also connected with the left Mooladhara).

Use candle treatment on the back head.

Tapping on the back of your head with right palm, left hand towards Mother’s photo.

Reduce the pressure of the superego by stroking your left temple across the back head, downwards until the Swadisthana Chakra. (Mahakali Shakti).

Where there is excessive heat in the back or on the right side of your head, use ice-packs instead of candle treatment.

Sometimes superego becomes overbloated that it squeezes the ego and presses down the Vishuddhi at the base of the skull and neck. (This is sometimes wrongly treated as a Vishuddhi problem, it can be cured a above).

Do not live in the past. Reflecting on past events and relationship and nostalgic attitudes feed the super ego. Break any useless conditionings and habits.

Surrender to the Super Ego of Shri Mataji. In severe cases use burning camphor bandhans on the back head

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