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The cool Hands workshop is a jouney of self-discovery and self- discipline to improve our inner state and connection with our beloved Mother. The main aim is to become Her pure and efficient instrument at the service of Paramchaitanya, to do the Divine work that we were born for: to be realized and to realize humanity. As a vital first step, we need both our hands full of the cool vibrations of our Holy Mother’s divine love to be able to bring this to all the seekers of the truth.

Why Cool Hands?

Cool Hands is a collective initiative of the expression of our pure desire to become Gurus/Guruhis of Her teachings, as we promised to our Holy Mother during the auspicious Guru Puja 2008 in Cabella. This workshop initiative was guided by a strong desire to implement the directives given by our Holy Mother, using the methods that She Herself suggested, of coming together in small groups and checking that we have cool vibrations in both of our hands, and then undertaking realization activities.

How does Cool Hands work?

A small group of Sahaj Yogis and Yoginis (4-10 people) will self-evaluate themselves, as Gurus/Guruhis, through collective meditation, introspection and inner cleansing. The aim is to convert increased vibrational balance into active work for Sahaja Yoga.

On an operational level, the following detail provides an outline/guideline for a complete 10-week Cool Hands cycle. The group can either meet physically once a week or can hold the workshops ‘online’, preferably in the early morning hours. Each session should be moderated/led by one team member-it is up to each group to decide who and how.

Each week, we carefully listen to Mother’s talks, meditate collectively, pray and ask Mother for Her guidance. We adopt an introspective attitude and apply it in vibrational workshops, which focus on specific subjects to bring deeper surrender in our attention through the divine light of vibrational awareness. Capturing Mother’s divine knowledge thus becomes easier, and our deep seeking spirit is rediscovered, drenched in the pure joy of Nirmal Love.

The 4 stages of the Cool Hands workshops

Sessions 1-3: Meditation-Establish and deepen the quality of our meditation and the state of our attention in preparation for detached introspection.

Sessions 4-7: Introspection-Understanding and realization on the state of our subtle bodies, followed by simple and targeted Sahaj cleansing. Testing our ability to face ourselves sincerely through detached vibrational work out.

Sessions 8-9: Action – How much our pure desire and attention are in bal- ance with the collective ascension and actions, towards en-masse realization and the transformation of newly realized souls to Sahaja Yogis.

Session 10: Devotion – Express our devotion and the joy of being Shri Mata- ji’s disciples, praying for depth in our beings which allows us to surrender to Her divine leadership for all decisions and actions.

Preparatory individual sessions

Cool Hands needs a deep and continuous attention for the duration of the workshop. Each participant should keep a small notebook to record their vibrational state and the inspiration and insights coming from Mother and the group.

Before starting the main collective sessions, each participant should research, listen to and meditate on some of Shri Mataji’s talks on the vital subject of pure attention in order to benefit better from the workshops. Here are few ex- amples of such talks by our Holy Mother

What to do in daily meditation, left side, right side, foot soak and sit in thoughtless awareness (https://youtube.com/@DivineSahajyog)

■Mind, reactions, thoughtless awareness by moving attention

The preliminary sessions which could cover a week or two, conclude with each person’s self-evaluation of their own vibrational state. Sincerely asking these questions within:

■Am I Spirit? In my daily life, am I mostly living with my Self (spirit)?

■Can I watch myself and others with pure attention (completely in in witnesses state)?

■Am I in vibrational balance? Do I have the cool breeze in my both hands?

■Can and do I apply Sahaj knowledge to myself?

■Can and do I identify my own catches and work them out?

■Am I my own Guru (a Sahaj Guru/Guruhi), with harmony and dharma in thoughts, words and actions?

Afterwards, you should check your vibrations (without thinking) on both hands and evaluate the level of vibrational connection and balance. Write down the outcomes, quality of meditation and your feelings etc. in your Cool Hands notebook.

The 10 Cool Hands collective sessions

The first three sessions are collective meditations, supported by Mothers talks, with the aim of establishing thoughtless awareness, attention and connection with the Divine through Sahasrara.

Realize that every meditation is like a Divine symphony with Mother as the leader of the orchestra. Vibrational consciousness and inner cleansing can only be done through the leadership of Mother’s attention and the capacity to capture Her divine guidance coming as musical notes on the waves of Paramchaitanya.

Session I

Mothers talk, followed my meditation focused on the 3 channels. Conclude with self-evaluation of the vibrational state and confirmation of the waves of cool vibrations in both channels (right and left). Ask these questions:

■Am I completely surrendered to Paramchaitanya?

■Am I meditating under the influence of my ego or conditioning?

Can I go into a state of deep meditation, and be in thoughtless awareness?

Am I ready to be a Guru/Guruhi as a disciple of Shri Mataji?

Write down the outcomes, quality of meditation and your feelings etc. in your notebook. Work on these points subtly through attention and surrender dur- ing your individual meditations over the coming week.

Session 2

Talk: Guru Purnima, Assume your position, Seminar, Lodge Hill

Mother’s talk followed by meditation focused on the attention: to confirm the purity and depth of the connection and thoughtless awareness in the Sahasara. The aim is to empower ourselves within the subtle body and to become aware of our attention. Ask yourself:

Which kind of attention do I have in my daily life? Is it stable and focused?

■Can I maintain my attention on the Spirit in every step of my daily life?

■Can I Identify what takes my attention away from the Spirit?

Conclude by a prayer to Mother to unite our attention with Her Divine attention.

Write down the outcomes, quality of meditation and your feelings etc. in your notebook. Work on these points subtly through attention and surrender during your individual meditations over the coming week.

Session 3

Talk: Attention should be on God, Mumbai India, January 20, 1986

Mother’s talk followed by meditation focused on pure desire and enlightened attention. Enlightened attention is achieved by absorbing Mother’s vibrations during daily meditation, without which it is not possible to evolve in Sahaja Yoga. Ask these questions:

■How much do I want to absorb Mother’s vibrations, establish thoughtless awareness and work out my catches?

■How surrendered am I to Sahaj dharma, Mother’s will and Paramchaitanya?

Write down the outcomes, quality of meditation and your feelings etc. in your notebook. Work on these points subtly through attention and surrender dur- ing your individual meditations over the coming week.

Now we are ready for the next stage: Introspection

Diamonds, much like yogis, are not always aware of their clarity and their im- mense privilege to radiate the glow of light. Once cut and polished, the radiance magnifies their visibility. Through the polishing of collective introspection and cleansing, Mother’s diamonds will shine throughout the world.

Session 4

Talk: Shri Guru Puja, Cabella Italy, July 20, 1997

How we apply our Sahaj knowledge in ourselves for a complete ascension. To test the attention and see how much we are absorbing the divine vibrations of Mother for each all the chakras from Mooladhara to Sahasrara. The aim is to improve our witness state and to correctly identify our catches and work them out.

Following Mother’s talk, the moderator will guide a session in which the group focuses their attention on each of the group’s members in turn. By humbly asking Mother the following questions for each person and seeing the an- swers in everyone’s hands:

What is the vibrational balance of (insert name of the person)? To see whether the vibrations are flowing equally in both of the person’s hands.

What is the vibrational state of (insert the name of the person)? To see what needs attention and cleansing in the person’s subtle being.

Depending on what the vibrations have shown, each person will decide on some targeted Sahaj treatments and will continue these treatments during the week. The group can give advice on which treatments, mantras, affirmations to members if they need such support. In this way, Sahaj knowledge is shared with less experienced or less confident yogis. Make the following affirmation:

If I can work out my own catches, then I can help others to clear their catch- es through the collective attention.

Write down the outcomes, quality of vibrations and your feelings etc. in your notebook. Work on these points subtly through daily individual cleansing ses- sions over the coming week.

Session 5

Talk: Practice of Sahaja Yoga is more important, Melbourne Australia, March 13, 1983

Following Mother’s talk, repeat the vibrational review for each team member, marking progress made and further inspirations and treatments. To further empower our cleansing training, experience the joy of meditation, the fulfillment of our pure desire and the results of our introspection. Ask these questions:

Am I fully absorbing Mother’s vibrations in my subtle system?

Is Paramachaitanya able to manifest through my desires and concentrated attention?

Write down the outcomes, quality of vibrations and your feelings etc. in your notebook. Work on these points subtly through daily individual cleansing ses- sions over the coming week.

Session 6

Talk: Shivaratri Puja, Principle of Shiva is in your heart, Delhi India, Feb- ruary 14, 1999

Following Mother’s talk, repeat the vibrational review for each team member, marking progress made and further inspirations and treatments. The focus is to develop the capacity to keep our attention with Mother as a humble disciple, for improvement of our Guru Tattwa. The guru is a person who applies Sahaj knowledge by the gracgrace of Mother, both within and without – within the Sahaj collective, with seekers and throughout the society in general. Make the following affirmations:

■ I seek and absorb Mother’s leadership and vision in my daily life.

■I witness my actions, decisions and behavior in the Sahaj collective.

■My attention is united with Mother’s Attention, with Paramachaitanya work- ing through my desires and concentrated attention, both internally and externally.

Session 7

Talk: Sahaja Yoga part I, II and part III – Channels & chakras, public program, Sydney Australia, 1983

The concluding session on collective introspection and cleansing: to enjoy the progress made in the vibrational workshops through collective consciousness and attention. Towards a continuous feeling of balance, peace, and enlight- enment through introspection and purification. Ask the following questions:

Am I able to surrender my catches vibrationally to Mother and follow their clearing in my subtle body?

■Am I feeling the cool breeze in both of my hands?

Write down the outcomes, quality of vibrations and your feelings etc. in your notebook.

Now we are ready for the next stage: Action

We are specially blessed by Shri Mataji to be able to give realization and be the instruments of Her teachings. The following two sessions are for each group to explore the possibilities for giving realization, assisting new yogis, spreading Mother’s vision & teachings, giving vibrational support to collec- tives etc. Each group will find their own magical ideas and ways of express- ing their team members’ Guru/Guruhi qualities.

Session 8

Talk: Navaratri celebrations, Kundalini and Kalki Shakti Mumbai India, September 28, 1979

Following Mother’s talk, a group discussion… From pure desire and to pure action, this session is to focus our attention on new collective Sahaj projects for en-masse realization (example: Italian and Indian realization in schools, Yuva Shakti Middle East Tour, country realization tours), see where and how

we can give realization, spread Shri Mataji’s teachings and vision, and sup- port newly realized souls to become Sahaja Yogis.

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