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Pranava’s sound is known as Anahat. It is generated when the Primordial Cell breaks like the hatching of an egg. It is audible with the departure of the nucleus from the ellipse

In human heart there is Shri Shiva’s place from where Shri Shiva witnesses everything. He manages the emotional side of the world. And this is Pranav which comes into the heart and vibrates.

When this energy raises in human beings it is felt as vibrations in the heart. When it is felt in heart it is called ‘Anahat‘ meaning ‘without percussion’. Then you can feel the vibrations. The second power of Paramatma – the Lord Almighty the Saraswati Power is the Creative Power.

the sound Anahat is like the sound of the heart

The first linear movement of Adi Shakti makes the First Primordial
Sound – ‘AA

The push of Sadashiva causes the Second Primordial Sound – ‘OO’

The Third Sound – ‘MA’ – is caused by the pause stage, which follows the breathing in and breathing out of the Primordial Zygote

Pranava is therefore the All-pervading Divine Power of Adi Shakti, and
Anahat is the sound created, without any percussion, by this Power. It
can be understood better by describing Anahat as the sound announcement of Pranava.

These three Primordial Syllables ‘AA’, ‘OO’ and ‘MA’, represent the
three powers of the Primordial Mother:

Pranava is therefore the All-pervading Divine Power of Adi Shakti, and
Anahat is the sound created, without any percussion, by this Power. It
can be understood better by describing Anahat as the sound announcement of Pranava

These three Primordial Syllables ‘AA’, ‘OO’ and ‘MA’, represent the
three powers of the Primordial Mother:

AA’ represents the existence and destructive power of Mahakali

‘OO’ represents the creative power of Mahasaraswati

‘MA’ represents the sustenance or evolutionary power
of Mahalakshmi.

These three Primordial Syllables, later on, form the Primordial
Words (Beeja Mantras) ‘Aim’, ‘Hrim’ and ‘Klim’. All together these comprise the phonetic words of the Devanagari script (Sanskrit), and will be examined in greater detail in the chapter on Chakras.

Much before the hatching of the Primordial Egg, the Primordial
Zygote reaches the embryonic stage. It starts breathing and creates the Primordial Sound (Anahata) that fills the entire embryo, which encircles the central point.

The breathing of Adi Shakti is the Pranava or Divine Power, while its sound is called Anahata. This sound is without percussion and is heard on the heart as a pulsation. This sound is a mixture of seven component sounds (Nadabrahma),

which when heard together creates the beautiful Word, ‘Aum’. When it is broken into its component parts it sounds like ‘AA’, ‘OO’ and ‘MA’. It is written as

It later ascends through the different subtle centres on the path of
Kundalini (the residual power of Pranava) and becomes the Word.
The Primordial Zygote grows just like a human zygote. As the
Primordial Zygote develops into the Primordial Being (Adi Purusha), so
identically a human zygote grows into a complete human being.

It is therefore absolutely true to say that God made man in His own image. The Primordial Zygote develops into His full maturity through evolution until He assumes His greatest and full form as the Great Primordial Being, the Virata

The Great Primordial Being assumes three aspects, manifesting
Himself according to the field (Kshetra) of His perception. Just as a man can have three fields of perception – at his house; at his office; and in society being a son, a husband and a father – although always remaining the same person; so it is with God whose field is the play created by His Power (Adi Shakti).

God Almighty as Paramount God or Supreme Spirit is called
Parameshwara; the Power of God Almighty is known as Parameshwari.
He resides at the very top spot on the Head of the Primordial Being

He is the absolute fountainhead, and all His three aspects radiate from Him. He is like the root of the Tree of Life, and His three
aspects are like three branches of the same tree. He is the all-witnessing Primordial Being, and is reflected in the Heart of the Great Primordial Being as Ishwara (God in Spirit).

His Power is known as Ishwari. This is the detached Power of the Great Witness (Sarva Sakshi). It exists in all animate and inanimate beings. In human beings it is reflected as Spirit (Atma) in the heart.

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