The Subtle System, which was documented in India thousands of years ago, consists of seven energy centres called as CHAKRAS, three energy channels called as NADIS and the KUNDALINI. The chakras correspond on the physical level to the plexuses of our central nervous system and the energy channels to the SYMPATHETIC and PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEMS within the spinal column .
CHAKRA means ‘WHEEL’ in Sanskrit, because the chakras rotate clockwise like wheels. Chakras are also likened to lotus flowers, each chakra having a different number of petals, which corresponds to the number of sub-plexuses within the physical plexus (NERVE PLEXUS).
These nerve plexuses control all of the energies at force within our body and secrete hormones. They are the root of all of our physical, mental and emotional activities. Thus, each Chakra is associated with certain physical, mental and emotional traits. When we experience disorders at the mental, emotional or physical level it is due to a ‘BLOCKAGE’ or obstacle or tension in these Chakras.
In every sentient being there is a subtle, feminine energy located in the SACRUM – derived from the word ‘SACRED’ – the large, triangular bone at the base of the spine. This feminine energy is known in Sanskrit as KUNDALINI – meaning ‘COILED’ as it is curled up in three and a half spirals. The SACRUM BONE – ‘OS SACRUM’ is translated from the Greek ‘HEIRON OSTEON’. It was believed that the soul resides here.
When the Kundalini is awakened it rises through the spine and passes through our energy centers – CHAKRAS emerging through the FONTANELLE area – the part of the head which is soft in babies. When the Kundalini passes through this area it can be perceived as a COOL BREEZE, as if it were pouring out of a fountain. Fontanelle derives from the Old French for ‘LITTLE FOUNTAIN’ – fitting to the experience of Self Realisation
The Kundalini energy is generally dormant. The aim of Self Realisation is to awaken this energy so that its qualities manifest. It can be awakened through our power of pure desire – the desire to know our TRUE SELF, our SPIRIT. Our true self is often hidden from us by thoughts and emotions,
but when the Kundalini rises it spontaneously brings us into a state of meditation. Thus we can detach from these thoughts and emotions to experience the pure joy and peace that exists within all of us.
The effects of the Kundalini can be felt on the subtle system, represented at the physical level as the central nervous system. The left and right channels are the sympathetic nervous system and the central axis is the parasympathetic nervous system. When the Kundalini rises it passes through the main nerve plexuses along our spine which are energy centres, called Chakras in Sanskrit.
The Kundalini can be imagined as a rope with thousands of strands. When we first receive our Self Realisation, sahajayoga only one or two strands find their way through the chakras to reach the Sahasrara at the crown of the head. With daily meditation
more and more strands of the Kundalini open up, strengthening our connection to the experience of meditation which deepens, becoming more profound and blissful. This experience was described by the Indian saints Adi Shankaracharya (C 600 A.D.), Kabir (C1500 A.D.), and Jnanadeva (C
1200 A.D.), amongst others.
Now how do you remove the thought from your mind is the problem. Thoughts are all the time in your mind but when the Kundalini rises, then what happens is that these thoughts become elongated and there is a gap in between the thoughts and this gap is the place of our peace. If you achieve that peace, the world peace can be achieved. By just taking placards, by shouting for peace, you cannot establish peace.
Peace has to come from the hearts of human beings. In the hearts of human beings peace can be only established when you establish the Spirit within it’s core, where it manifests the bliss of peace. When you start enjoying the bliss of peace you don’t want wars, you don’t think of a war and that is the state where now the human beings have to rise and go to
Formless yet complete, existing before heaven and earth.
Silent and limitless, alone and unchanging. Pervading every
where, yet untiring. It is the Mother of all things under heaven.
I do not know its name so I call it ‘Tao’..
Turning away from materialism…I have entered into the
sky of the mind, and opened the Tenth Gate. The
chakras of the coiled Kundalini energy have been opened,
and I have met my Sovereign Lord King without fear.