For those who want to enjoy the peace and bliss of their own Spirit, it is vital to establish their Self Realisation by cleansing the chakras and allowing more strands of the Kundalini to rise. With this in mind, Shri Mataji has recommended practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation at home on a twice daily basis – a meditation in the morning and a footsoak before sleeping.
These sessions can be as short as 10 minutes or as long as 1 hour, or even more if you like. You will probably find that, as you progress, you will enjoy it more and automatically give more time for this blissful experience. If – at any other time of the day – you feel under stress or depressed, you will find it beneficial to raise the Kundalini and take a Bandhan and, if possible, to be thoughtless for a minute or two.
The purpose of Sahaja Yoga is not to sit in meditation all day but to reach a state of meditation – of deep thoughtless awareness and connection to our spirit – at least twice each day. With this we gradually experience deeper meditations and progressively improve the condition of our subtle system and our emotional and physical health. A profound and peaceful morning meditation will enable us to stay meditative and peaceful throughout the day.
Shri Mataji has given thousands of lectures about the Kundalini and the subtle system, with simple and practical advice on how to improve the chakras and experience the inner joy and peace of the Spirit every moment of our lives – not just whilst sitting down to meditate. Equally importantly, we have found that listening to Shri Mataji’s lectures is a quick way to get into a deep state of meditation. They are very helpful for establishing thoughtless awareness effortlessly and improving the quality of our daily lives. We recommend listening to as many as possible. Contact your local meeting organizer for more details.
Sahaja Yoga is primarily about our own inner experience. Experience is the cornerstone of knowledge, including that of Sahaja Yoga. Authenticity can be achieved if we go beyond accumulated mental knowledge and imbibe the honesty and reality of experience. As we meditate and watch the state of our subtle system, we experience that Sahaja Yoga manifests a living knowledge, expansive and unlimited. Approaching this with humility opens the door to an understanding from the heart, which is subtle and leads the seeker to the ATMA – to the spirit.
Meditation classes are a great way to deepen our experience as the collective attention and desire to go into thoughtless awareness has a tremendous effect on our own inner state. After some weeks or months of attending Sahaja Yoga meetings, meditating regularly at home in the morning, and footsoaking before sleeping, it is time to attend more advanced collective gatherings of experienced yogis.
You may already have noticed that collective programs make it easy to reach a deep state of meditation with little effort. The advanced programs deepen the experience of Self Realisation even more, accelerating our inner growth towards a more balanced, peaceful, and joyful life.
If you have felt the benefit of Sahaja Yoga, even after only a week or two of practice, try to give Realisation to your friends or family. It’s a very joyful experience to pass on the bliss of Sahaja Yoga to others
Sahaja Yoga classes are widely available in 80 countries around the world, and always completely free of charge.
As Sahaja Yoga is always growing and changing, it is best to check online for local centers, programs and events. If there are no centers listed where you live or work, please contact us as there might be certified Sahaja Yogis in your area. We offer meditation workshops and courses – on request and free of charge – for your company, community center, or event. You can also visit YouTube Channel is Divine sahajyog