Balancing Ahamkara and Awakening Manas Shakti
Mahat means the great, Ahamkara means the ego. You say it thrice. Now, even now, if you find that ego is still there, then you have to raise your left side to push it back to the right side. With your hand, one hand towards the photograph.
Push the left side higher and the right side lower so the ego and the superego get the balance. Do it seven times. Try to see how you are feeling inside, you see
So once you have given yourself a balance, then, the best thing is to pay attention to your emotions, to Manas Shakti. Watch them. You can enlighten your emotions, by thinking of Your Mother, Right? Just enlighten them.
This solves all the problems. Whatever are the problems in the Mana. So once you are connected to those emotions and you start looking at them in your meditation you will see these emotions are rising within you and if you try to put these emotions on your Mother, (as they say at the Lotus Feet of your Mother) they, those emotions, will start dissolving and they‟ll become sort of, expanded.
Expanse you see. You will extend them in such a way that you will feel you are in control of them and by controlling those emotions your emotions are expanded, enlightened and powerful.
Journey of Connecting Emotion and Energy

Now what you do is to watch your breathing. See now, try to reduce your breathing; reduce it, in the sense that you have breathed out, wait for a while, then breathe in. For a long time. Then you breathe out. So during one minute your breathing will be less than normal, Alright? Try that, keep the attention on the emotions, you see? So that the connection is established
Better? See, the Kundalini rises. Now, when you are breathing, you find that there is a space in-between which you just leave vacant. Breathe in. Keep it there. Now breathe out and keep breathing out.
Now breathe in. Now start breathing in such a way, that you really reduce your breathing. Your attention should be on your heart or it could be your emotion, it‟s better to keep the breath inside for a while. Hold it. Bring it out. Hold out.
Then keep it outside for a while. Then again. Then you‟ll find that for a while you will not breathe. Good. See, you‟re settled now. The Laya takes place between your Prana and your Mana. Both the Shaktis become one.
Now raise your Kundalini – up on top and tie It up. Again, raise your Kundalini – up on the head and tie It up. Again, raise your Kundalini and tie It up thrice.
Now at the Sahasrara you should say the mantra of Sahasrara – thrice
Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat
Shri Sahasrara Swamini Moksha Pradayini Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah
Now its open now, if you see, now you can open again your Sahasrara like this. And see that you are stationed there – Once this has been done – then you go into
meditation. Reduce your breathing, will be better. You reduce your breathing as if stopping it, but no exertion about it.
Yesterday I told you about the left-side power and the-right side power. The left side is the power of your desire, the iccha shakti or the Manas shakti, called as manas. Those people who are teaching you yoga are teaching you how to control your prana shakti, the right side. But what about the manas shakti? Such people can become very dry-hearted.
They can be so hot-tempered. We have many people like that – Vishwa Mitra and all these people, Guru Mata – really hot-tempered. There’s no love, there’s no balance in them. And such people can only sort of mesmerize other people or can just kill other people and do all kinds of such acts of violence that you cannot explain to any spiritual man, all this violence all the time. And if you see the fanatics, all the fundamentalists are with them. All the fundamentalists are dry people
Today, we had somebody who had gone in pranayama, and he had a problem on the hamsa chakra. Pranayama is only one side, right side; it’s prana. Left side is manas shakti. So, there can be imbalance, very much imbalance, due to pranayama .
There is cool breeze in your hand? Are you feeling it? All right. So once you have given yourself a balance then the best thing is to pay attention to your emotions, to Manas-Shakti.
Reference : 1981-10-29