Shri Krishna normally behaved like a very ordinary person. In his childhood he was very fond of butter. As you know, butter is very good for the throat, for the Vishuddhi. I have told you many times that in your tea you should put some butter and take it so that your
throat, when it is dried out, will feel better.
Now stealing is supposed to be bad. Something belongs to somebody else – if you steal it, it is bad. He used to steal the butter of all the ladies who would take it down to Mathura, where Kamsa was ruling. This butter was eaten by all the rakshasas there and they were becoming very powerful
He thought, “The best thing is to go and eat up all the butter so that these ladies won’t be able to go and sell it.”
He would go and make his friends help him. They made a pyramid by standing on each other and he would climb up and break the butter container and he would eat all that butter like a little baby.
So one day, his mother said, “All right, why did you eat the butter?”
He said, “I never ate.” “Then what is this on your mouth?”
“All these boys have put it on my mouth.” You see, to him, even telling such little, little lies also was fun with his mother – to that extent.
So he told her a lie. “See now, these people have put it on my mouth. They have eaten all the butter and now I am the one you have caught.”
She said, “Really? Open up your mouth.”
He opened his mouth and there she saw this universe in his mouth. The whole universe was moving in the Vishuddhi. The complete Vishuddhi chakra she saw. And she just bowed to him.
Then he said, “Why are you bowing to me?” – as if nothing had happened.
SO YOU SEE, ALL HIS pranks and all his childish, sweet lies were just to create a feeling of understanding and it is regarded as something very sweet, according to the Indians – or we can say according to Eastern ideas – that children are naughty with the mother.
They all enjoy the naughtiness of the children – a little naughtiness here and naughtiness there
According to Sahaja Yoga, children are more important than all the wealth of the world and they are to be looked after that way. Of course, they should be told what is dignity and how to behave themselves. But their little, little pranks are to be understood and enjoyed because
only as children can they do pranks, not as grown-ups.
They should have that much freedom to play pranks and to play some tricks on you. Otherwise they will become very serious people .
SHRI KRISHNA PUJA, 14 August 1989, Saffron Waldon, United Kingdom