About us

This website born from desire to share the experience of the sahajyog Meditation with our brothers and sisters from all around the world.

Our main purpose is to go deeper and deeper in the sahajyog meditation, to reach the state of complete experience of our spirit

We pray to he supreme incarnation of divinity our most sacred mother, to bless us in this task

My name is Nirmala kumari and I wrote the easiest guide and sharing My experience related to Kundalini and Spirituality . Our Aim is to go for deeper and deeper experence and feel cool Breeze and Divine energy . We also check the situation of chakras , balancing chakra , Healing and treatment with the help of divine energy

This website is created small contribution to sahajyog who want to listen Sahajyog speech and more

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is meant for everyone who desires to find his or her true self, which is full of peace, joy of life and love for others. It is not just a book or a set of exercises but a living science that will open up to you gradually as your meditations become deeper and your experience stronger and more fulfilling.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation was developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It involves the awakening of a subtle spiritual energy known as the Kundalini which lies dormant in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine in three-and-a-half coils.

The gentle awakening of this Kundalini energy and the inner journey of self discovery is known as Enlightenment (Self-realization).

Sahaj means ‘spontaneous’ or ‘born with you’ and yoga translates as ‘union’ (with the Divine or all-pervading power). Sahaja Yoga Meditation then translates as ‘the method of divine union through yoga which everyone is born with .

if you are going to known about sahaja yoga for the first time , then you can go to your nearest Sahaja yoga center and get Self-reaization

for more infomation check this website www.sahajayoga.org