Our main purpose is to go deeper and deeper in the sahajyog meditation, to reach the state of complete experience of our spirit .
Experience Sahaja Yoga Meditation
The time has come for all of you to get your self-realisation, by which your attention becomes enlightened, your health gets completely all right, your mental processes are sensible, but above all you stand in your present.
Divine Sahajyog
Kundalini is the desire of God. "Is not desire for God" - "is the desire of God itself." So it can be only awakened by that desire. It is the desire of God within you that is being blessed and the desire of God is the shakti. And the desire of God is that He loves you. His desire is to give you all His powers and all his loving capacity. This is His desire. It is placed within you and is dormant. So when it rises, His desire is fulfilled. And that is how you get your fulfillment. Unless and until you are God, you cannot command desire of God. But after realization He gives you, bestows His power that you can manoeuvre His desire.
Sahaja Yoga – Ancient Knowledge Of Our Roots
“I invite you to this feast of Divine Bliss, which is pouring around you, even in this Kaliyuga, in these God-forsaken modern times. I hope you will come and enjoy the spiritual experience of the Life Eternal.”
–H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Part of the letter written in 1972 during Her trip to America
Sahaja yoga meditation for new seekers on Youtube
"Divine sahajyog " are YouTube Channels about teachings of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's speech for Sahaji to experience and attain the Self Realisation. These videos are specially created for new seekers and for people for seeking God . The videos can be accessed at YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@DIVINESAHAJYOG