caused due to lethargy, and originate from subconscious, low bloodpressure, cancer, tumor, epilepsy, schizophrenia, virus, multiple sclerosis, meningitis, Parkinson disease, arthritis, rheumatism, slip disc, spondylosis, TB, asthma, (left heart) anaemia, sciatica, polio and osteomyelitis, muscular and skeleton diastrophy, (lethargic heart), childlessness (left Swadhisthana), infections, neurosis, depressions, moscito bites.
their causes
Too much superego, being too much indulged in subconscious and the past. Lethargic temperament causes clots in the blood. False Gurus, hypnosis, alcohol, drugs (heroin, opium, hashish, marihuana), black and white magic, spiritism, occultism, sex magic, homosexuality, rebirthing, perversion, tantrism, masochism, psychoanalysis (Freud), cult of the dead (Tibetan book of the dead), meditation techniques of bagwan, false sai baba, maharaj, jehovas, etc…
mental disturbance
Slyness, frightened, not talking, nervous, no self confidence, shy of public, miserliness, too much past thinking, going too deep in the subconscious.
caused due to overactivity
Fever, heartproblems, heartinfarct, palpitation, asthma, constipation, liverproblems (hot liver), lungs, unhealthy skin, tension, cirrhosis of liver, headache, diabetes, leucaemia, kidney, high bloodpressure, childlessness (flirting type and thinking that one is too much beautiful), insomnia, lack of memory, spondylosis, jaundice, malaria, hysterectomie, heavy period, dyhoria, excessive urination, lumbago, muscular lumbago, etc…
their causes
Over development of Ego causes a very bad heart.
Quarrelsome and aggressive nature, PSI, psychocinesis, telepathy, drugs (LSD, cocaine, mushroom), hitler, overnatural powers, sadism, over ascetic life, forced sex abstinence, all extremes like sporting, working suggestions, materialism, fashion, greed for power, antroposophy, steiner, TM, chinmoy, shamanism, fanaticism, scientology, etc
mental disturbance
Idiotic ideas survive, hot temper, obnoxious, cruelty, troublesome nature (may not look mentally upset). In old age very talkative, accusing nature, dominating, asceticism, martyrdom.