The creation of this world took place in the Void (Bhavasagara) which surrounds the Adi Nabhi Chakra, or navel centre, in the body of the Primordial Being (Virata). Adi Vishnu, the Sustainer and Protector of evolution, resides there. It was also in the body of the Virata that Adi Brahmadeva started His creation
Whatever was created had to be changed, and whatever was to be born had to die, and was to be stored in a place on the Moon Channel (Adi Ida Nadi) of the Primordial Being called Paraloka. The Paraloka, expressed as the cosmic subconscious mind, was created to accommodate the dead. This is the Primordial Being’s Collective Subconscious expressed as subconscious mind in the human being.
In the same way the Collective Supraconscious was created on the Sun Channel (Adi Pingala Nadi) to accommodate the dead who sought joy through egotistical ambition
They were born again on this Earth where they learned through experiences. They were also guided in their evolution by different Incarnations (Avataras).
When evolution reached the human stage, at the time of Adam and Eve, freedom was granted to human beings, to choose between the evolutionary process of life and the anti-life process of destruction.
Choosing evolution was the only way individuals could mature into evolved and realised souls. But some human beings chose the anti-life process, developing methods of destruction
From the Collective Subconscious and Collective Supraconscious they came again and again on this Earth to lead anti-life and anti-Divine activities. They spawned the creation of evil forces of hatred. When spirits from the collective subconscious and supraconscious came on this Earth they became malignant, and were thrown into hell
The Incarnations of Vishnu
Adi Vishnu protects and evolves the path of evolution. His Incarnations are like milestones in the progress of spiritual awareness, and develop, one by one, new dimensions of human perception. They show the light in the darkness of ignorance, and each Avatara adds a new boundless perception, a new fragrance, and a new colour to the beauty of creation
Life had its first origin in water, which was formed through the various combinations and permutations of the different cosmic essences (tanmatras) of creation.
The unicellular parasites which lived on higher types of fishes went on to incarnate as big fishes but with the awareness of the lower type.
To destroy these evil incarnations Adi Vishnu took the form of a fish, becoming the leader of those fishes who wanted to come ashore. This was His first Incarnation, known as Matsya avatara (Fish Incarnation). He helps at every step by taking Himself the necessary form
For example, He takes the form of a fish to lead the fishes out of the water of the Ocean of Illusion to eventually become reptiles. By coming ashore, He was to save every type of animal.
Coming ashore and feeling the land beneath them these fish started crawling on land, creating reptiles. At this point Adi Vishnu took a second Incarnation, coming as a reptile, the tortoise (Kurma avatara), to destroy the demons obstructing the progress of evolution.
This Incarnation later helped guide Noah’s (Manu) Ark across the great deluge during the time of the Great Flood (Maha Pralaya). The tortoise with its curved shell as protection represents the curvature of the Earth.
It teaches the reptiles to develop a protective shield. As it emerged from the sea, it needed no other protection to survive. It was the most suitable form of animal to exist at that level of awareness.
Firstly the development of physical being is ensured. The impulsive fear of death generates the beginning of the search for protection by animals – their first quest. The quest for survival marks the starting point
of collective organisation among animals.
At the mammal stage in His third Incarnation as the wild boar (Varaha avatara), the instinctual drive for protection expresses itself in more sophisticated patterns of behaviour.
At this stage, protective measures by herds of four-legged animals were exhibited. The boar also suggests further evolution into the four-legged animal stage (quadruped) from reptile.
Shri Vishnu took His fourth Incarnation as Narasimha, half man with the upper part half lion. At this point in evolution, man achieves a self-conscious domination over animals and natural forces. This
Incarnation also expressed an intermediary step in evolution between the animal and the human stages. Narasimha’s role was to kill a major devil called Hiranya Kashipu.
Before man came into being he existed at the monkey stage. Monkeys had also been struggling in their evolutionary process. To help them, the Primordial Preconscious Mind of the Virata Itself took incarnation as Hanumana, the Monkey God, the devotee of Shri Vishnu. Hanumana led the monkeys who were half human – ‘the missing link’ as Darwin called it in human evolution. Thus monkeys were helped to evolve into human beings
In His fifth Incarnation Shri Vishnu appeared for the first time as a human being. He took the form of the Short Man (Vamana avatara) who came on this Earth to give leadership to people seeking God. Vamana was enlightened with the idea that he could capture the three worlds (Triloka): Earth (Prithvi), Heaven (Akasha) and hell (Patala, the subconscious).
So in corollary, this Incarnation brought forth the idea in the human mind that man can overpower all three worlds. It should be understood that Adi Vishnu’s Incarnations, the line of evolution, lead the
way towards higher, deeper and wider spiritual awareness
His sixth form was as the Strong Man (Parashurama). He brought forth the powers achieved by self-control (tapobala). When they were fully evolved human beings developed their ‘I-ness’ and felt a need to
seek the unknown within themselves. They began to think about God, and became aware of the strengths of spiritual life, and started a new search of the inner life
The search was an individual one, and the seeker absolutely secluded himself from society. Many renounced the world and went into complete retreat in the forests and jungles in search of the ultimate reality, often pursuing their quest day and night for years on end, and often for life after life.
This spiritual awakening in man grew very strong and was again challenged by the evil forces who incarnated to disturb their search through penance (yagonya).
At this time, much before the seventh Incarnation of Shri Vishnu as Lord Rama, the Primordial Mother incarnated as the Goddess Durga, Mother of the Universe.
She incarnated from the Primordial Heart Centre (Adi Anahata Chakra) called the Sacred Heart in the Virata. There have been one-hundred-and-eight main Incarnations of the Goddess Durga to save seekers from the evil of satanic forces.
Mahesha (Shiva), Vishnu and Brahmadeva form the trinity which incarnated as one teacher God, the Primordial Master, Dattatreya. He came onto this Earth to teach people the secrets of the Divine, to reveal God, and to help them cross the Ocean of Illusion themselves within their own identity
Evolution could not go further in the hands of human beings who were in the bondage of ignorance, so they were given guidance through this incarnation of the Primordial Master (Adi Guru) again and again in different lives.
He was created as the three-headed child, Dattatreya, by Adi Shakti who appeared on Earth during the Treta Yuga as Sati Anasuya, wife of the Sage Atreya. He was born as Adi Nath who founded Jainism – one of the oldest religions
He was born as Raja Janaka, father of Janaki also called Sita, Rama’s wife. She was an Incarnation of Adi Shakti.
The Primordial Master was also born as Macchindra Nath, and again as Zoroaster who was worshipped by the ancient Persians, and still revered by Parsees. Earlier He had taken birth as Abraham and later
as Moses, the Fathers of Judaism.
He took a very significant Incarnation as Mohammed Sahib, the Messenger (Paigamber) and founder of Islam, whose daughter Fatima was Sita reborn, an Incarnation of Adi Shakti. She was the origin of the Shiya sect among the Muslims (in Indian dialect Sita is called Shiya).
He took birth as Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, whose sister was Nanaki (Janaki, i.e. Sita). Most recently He was born as Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the Indian State of Maharashtra where He died in 1918. Altogether there were ten major Avataras of Dattatreya.
It is very important to understand that until the animal stage there was no need for animals to solve the problem of life, as animals were under the complete command of God.
How evolution was to go a step further. Without such freedom human beings were not equipped to
learn the secrets of Divine Power.
Adi Vishnu Himself took His seventh Incarnation during the Treta Yuga as Lord Rama, a human being who crossed the Ocean of Illusion and touched a new dimension of awareness. As Shri Rama, Adi Vishnu came to enlighten human social and political consciousness as the true model of what Plato, thousands of years later
He reached a point in the Primordial Heart Chakra (Adi Anahata Chakra) crossing the Void along the central path (Adi Sushumna Nadi).
His wife Sita was an Incarnation of Adi Shakti. The Ramayana, the epic about Lord Rama’s exploits written by Valmiki, tells how Lord Rama was made to forget that He was the reincarnation of Adi Vishnu for some
time, because it was desired that He should act absolutely like a human being, to make them feel absolutely free with him.
He gave them a human leadership. Later on, when Sita disappeared back into the Mother Earth,
Lord Rama remembered His divinity.
At the time of Rama’s Incarnation Adi Shakti existed in three persons: Mahalakshmi, as Sita, His wife; Mahasaraswati, as Sati Anasuya who gave birth to Dattatreya, the Primordial Master; and Mahakali as
Mandodari, the wife of the demon Ravana
Adi Vishnu’s eighth form was as Shri Krishna during the Dwapara Yuga, and again Adi Shakti took three forms. Mahakali lived for a very short time as Vishnumaya, the infant sister of Shri Krishna. She was actually born as the daughter of Yeshoda, Shri Krishna’s foster mother, and was killed by the demon Kamsa
She later took birth as Draupadi, wife of the Pandavas. Yeshoda was Herself an Incarnation of Mahasaraswati. As Mahalakshmi She took two forms, Radha and Rukmini. ‘Ra’ means power or energy and ‘dha’ means sustenance, so the name ‘Radha’ means the one who sustains the power.
As Rukmini She became Queen to Shri Krishna, the King in Dwaraka.
Shri Krishna, who was the greatest expression of God the Father, incarnated to open another horizon in human understanding of the power of Divine Love to watch the play of God’s power as a witness.
By His Incarnation, human imagination was to become aware of the witnessing powers of God Almighty. The Great Primordial Being (Virata) was actually expressed through Him, and His advent enabled poets and philosophers to enter the intuitive realm of metaphysical perceptions.
The beauty of Divine Diplomacy is to achieve the spiritual betterment of people; its essence is to guide ignorant and foolish people towards the path of righteousness and religion by diplomatic ways, by clever handling or by illusion
Shri Krishna’s life was spent with the masses, and thus His Incarnation gave rise to a mass spiritual movement. He appeared before Arjuna as the Virata, and for the first time human eyes got a glimpse of
the Primordial Being Himself
In their early days, Radha and Krishna played a game of Rasa (ra + sa – meaning ‘with energy’). Rasa is the play which manifests identification with the power of God. It was the play of Sahaja Yoga, of the divine circuit of vibrations. All Shri Krishna’s playmates were innocent, simple cow herders (Gopis and Gopas).
When Radha filled pitchers of water from the Yamuna River She automatically vibrated that water with Pranava, as She was Adi Shakti and was carrying the water on Her head.
When Shri Krishna broke the pitchers the vibrated water was meant to fall on the soil of Brindavan where Krishna and Radha lived, vibrating it. Similarly when Radha placed Her feet in the Yamuna River, the waters of the river became vibrated.
Their Kundalini would thus be awakened and raised, and they would get their Self-Realisation through the spontaneous awakening of Sahaja Yoga.
The Gopis and Gopas did get Kundalini awakening which was a great achievement. The awakened state of their Kundalini made the finite nature of human beings enlightened and enlarged their consciousness but they still could not pierce into the infinite.
That was left to be done after Krishna’s time, and thus awakened, their Kundalinis needed many years of effort or many lives’ experience to become receptive to Sahaja Yoga
Whilst Dattatreya’s incarnation was created in the Void, Shri Krishna’s was at a much higher point, higher than even the Primordial Heart Chakra on which Lord Rama took incarnation. Shri Krishna’s seat
in the body of the Virata is the Adi Vishuddhi Chakra, and is placed at the base of the neck inside the spinal cord. Shri Krishna was in fact the complete incarnation of the Virata whose form (Swarupa) He showed in a vision to His disciple Arjuna
His teachings to Arjuna are compiled in the Shri Bhagavad Gita. As the embodiment of the witness state He killed many male and female evil geniuses (Rakshasas and Rakshasis), as Lord Rama had done. These entities have to be killed and destroyed again and again whenever they come in the way of human evolution. Adi Shakti’s Incarnations are also mostly to kill demons.
The incarnations of Radha show how the ideas of human beings gradually changed. The life as Radha was definitely a peg above in social advancement in the dogmatic thinking of society, compared to the time of Sita. She was not married to Shri Krishna in a formal human way (laukika). Their wedding was divine (alaukika), and was performed spiritually and socially in the presence of many people by Brahmadeva.
Earlier, as Sita, although formally married to Rama in a wedding ceremony that was collectively sanctioned, She was still condemned by society. Krishna’s love and adoration of Radha brought Her glory without marriage, while Sita was denied that public acceptance even though She
was the legal wife of Rama.
Princess Sita was married to King Rama in a very traditional way. When He went into exile, Ravana the Rakshasa, Satan disguised as an ascetic, appeared before Her and took Her away to the capital of his kingdom in Lanka. Rama fought a war with Ravana to rescue His wife, who was secluded by Ravana in the core of his island kingdom.
Rama defeated His enemy and brought Sita back to His kingdom, Ayodhya. Although
She was the purest of the pure, and the holiest of the holy, She was treated with suspicion by the citizens of Ayodhya, Rama’s capital city. They would not accept Her as queen, blaming Her for having been abducted by force by Ravana
The suspicious citizens questioned Her chastity, and committed collective sin by rejecting Her. Although She was pregnant Rama was forced to forsake Her. She lived with the Saint Valmiki in the
jungles of Bihar State where She gave birth to twin boys, Lava and Kusha. They were absolutely human personalities but of very great spiritual heritage from previous births. Sita taught them the Divine way of life.
They were later born again in Bihar as Gautama, known as Lord Buddha, and as Shri Mahavira, the leader of the great religion, Jainism. This all happened 500 years before the birth of Christ. Internally they reached a very great height through these births. They preached the doctrine of nonviolence (ahimsa) which was later developed into an extreme form of vegetarianism. They took birth in the warrior caste (Kshatriya) rather than as fanatical Brahmins in order to keep away from the extremes of vegetarian
abstinences, and to stay more balanced.
Still their disciples carried their teachings to the extreme of abstinence and vegetarianism. They confused
inner asceticism (sannyasa) with organised institutions of asceticism, and non-violence with vegetarianism. Shri Krishna was later very much criticised by the so-called vegetarian followers of Buddha and Mahavira.
Later they were born in Arabia as Hassan and Hussain, the two sons of Fatima, daughter of Mohammed Sahib. They were murdered in a very violent war at Karbala. Their death signifies a great sacrifice in the name of religion. It is an indication how people who are extreme in nature take to fanaticism and, in their blindness, kill the very essence of religion that is born in flesh and blood as an Incarnation.
This awakening gave a rude shock to the mass of religious human beings of the land, and there ensued
a phenomenon of mass repentance. In this way people were made to realise that there can be no attachment to war for a realised soul. Violence and non-violence are attributes of mind but awareness is beyond these extremes.
After Fatima, the reincarnation of Sita, died, sectarian war broke out among the Muslims. One side, the Shiya sect, was founded by Her; in Indian dialect Sita is pronounced ‘Shiya’. They are known today as
Shiites. Shiya women are regarded as fair, innocent and beautiful because of their motherly expressions; in the same way the women of Janakapur, Sita’s birthplace in India, are similarly blessed by Mahalakshmi
After Her incarnation as Sita She was born and lived in China as Kuan Yin, the Mother of Mercy, as a virgin. Adi Shakti took Her first Incarnation in Nepal where still today the Goddess is the presiding
national Deity. Most of Her births were on the Himalayas near Nepal where people have mixed Indian and Chinese features. The women of Nepal are mostly fair and soft skinned, and are known to be very serene
and beautiful. Because of their high cheek bones they look very young all the time. Adi Shakti’s facial expression is very much in this mould; to be precise She looks Nepali.
The fourth human birth of Adi Shakti was as the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ. She incarnated in the Middle Eastern kingdom of Judea. In that life She did not marry and did not live like Radha who
did not bring forth Her only Son, Mahavishnu, on this Earth though She had created Him in the Body of the Virata in the Vaikuntha stage. It was as a virgin that Mary conceived Jesus Christ, the ninth Incarnation of Adi Vishnu.
The greatness of this Incarnation cannot be adequately described in words but in the Devi Bhagavatam there is a passage about Christ. It tells how He was born in Heaven to Radha as Mahavishnu, the only Son of the Virata. He is none other than Shri Ganesha, the symbol of eternal childhood. His body was constructed from the body of Shri Kartikeya who was Brahma Himself, the only brother of Shri Ganesha, and was conceived by one-sixteenth part of Shri Krishna, the Virata, who was His Father. As Mahavishnu He is the sustainer (Ashraya) of the whole world.
A father always wants his son to be greater than himself, so Shri Krishna gave His Son a boon making Mahavishnu a million times greater than Himself and promising to place Him even higher than Himself. His Being would contain unlimited Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha (Shiva), and from His forehead eleven Rudras would be created when the last day of destruction will come.

Radha in Mary’s Incarnation wanted to give Her Son the name of Her Lord, Krishna. Krishna comes from ‘krishi’ + ‘na’. ‘Krishi’ means farming, ‘na’ means the one who carries. So the name ‘Christ’ came from
the ‘krishi’ in Krishna. The name Jesus was derived from ‘Jasoda’, a form of Yeshoda, the foster mother of Shri Krishna. Radha also wanted to give Yeshoda’s name to Her Son because of Yeshoda’s devotion and worship of Her in Brindavan and Gokul.
The abbreviation of Yeshoda was ‘Jesu’ or ‘Yesu’, so Radha/Mary named Her Son Jesus Christ. In the life of Jesus Christ, the highest expression of the essence of spiritual innocence came onto Earth as God the Son. Human beings witnessed the sacrifice of the dearest and Only Son of the Father (Virata) for humanity’s sake.
This allowed a deeper human perception of God’s great love for the human race. The crucifixion of Christ happened at a time when people knew about God the Father, but did not know how to crucify their human self to allow the spiritual self to express itself.
This is the real meaning of the resurrection of Christ: that man could be the physical witness of the immortality of the Spirit which does not suffer and never perishes. For the first time, human awareness registered the truth of the immortality of Spirit which Shri Krishna had preached in His lifetime, which is recorded in the Bhagavad Gita written by the poet Vyasa.
When one takes the name of Shri Krishna one has to take the name of Radha first, so a seeker recites the mantra to the Virata as ‘RadhaKrishna’. Similarly Sita’s name has to be taken before Rama’s for the mantra ‘Sita-Rama’. Even the Virgin Mary (Kanya) who was so quiet and potential at the time of Christ, was recognised later on by His disciples as the Power behind Him.
She was worshipped for many years after Her death by early Christians. In modern times human beings who are satanic personalities are challenging the validity of the Primordial Mother’s virginity and the Virgin Birth in particular. Mary has clearly shown the power of virginity that can raise a mother to such an exalted powerful position that she can conceive a child by desire alone. She had reached that high stage of evolution when by Her Divine Will, She could immaculately conceive. There are other such instances in Hindu Puranic literature when Kunti, by the wish of the Mantra, gave birth to the Pandava and to Karna immaculately.
Radha had created Her Only Son, Mahavishnu, in the Vaikuntha stage but as Radha She could not conceive a child because She was unmarried. As Mary, though, She conceived Her child outside marriage
in complete virginity. This is an expression of the power of virginity, the sinless Immaculate Conception. In Mary’s life the greatest advancement in social consciousness regarding the power of chastity came about, and society went through yet another evolution. Though a virgin She was raised to such an exalted position by the birth of Christ that She was acceptable to public opinion as the Mother of God, not just then but still today
Through a deeper understanding of Sahaja Yoga the reader will grasp the simplicity of the Immaculate Conception. Mary proved She was the Primordial Mother by conceiving the child in Her Sacred Heart
(Primordial Heart Chakra). The Sacred Heart is the place where the Mother of the Universe (Jagadamba) exists. In the same way that She conceived the universe She also conceived Jesus Christ, and moved it
through the Adi Sushumna Nadi into the Adi Swadhisthan Chakra which controls the Primordial Uterus (Kumbha) to give Him human birth as a baby.
In that divine heaven of creativity the Immaculate Conception took the form of a zygote egg (Andam). It remained in that state for many ages (Kalpas) until Adi Shakti took birth as Mary. She then manifested it as Jesus Christ. It was not difficult for Adi Shakti to do that. Unfortunately the greatness of Her powers was only recognised after She departed from the Earth.
A seeker gets his rebirth in exactly the same way through Sahaja Yoga. Adi Shakti wants to give second birth to all seekers. She conceives the subtle body (Suksma Sharira) of the seeker in Her heart. Her atten- tion raises the Kundalini in the seeker’s subtle body.
She blesses his soul (Jeevatma) which has been raised to Her heart, and brings the soul to the limbic area of the brain by Her attention. There She causes it to pass through all the Chakras of the brain until it is born through the Brahmarandra, the hole in the fontanel bone on top of the skull. This is how every soul gets rebirth as a Sahaja Yogi.
The tenth and last Incarnation of Adi Vishnu will be created on the Primordial Brain (Sahasrara) and will be known as Shri Kalki. This will be a Collective Being created through Sahaja Yoga during the Kali
Yuga by the Incarnation of Adi Shakti as the Great Illusion (Mahamaya). She will take a human birth with all Her powers to promote the entry of humanity into the Golden Age or Age of Aquarius (Satya Yuga). This is the Age in which the Kingdom of God is to be established on Earth.
Through Her compassionate action within this world, the Collective Being is already beginning to emerge today, formed by all the realised souls who collectively are merging themselves into God’s consciousness.
The power of Kalki is known as Mahamaya because She is a great illusion. She is absolutely humane, but expresses the three integrated powers of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati.
She exhibits Her powers to the masses by giving mass Self-Realisation, by which seekers enter the realm of collective consciousness. This can be said to be the most significant event in the history of spiritual evolution because, in it, the whole creation, under the guidance of Divine Love, begins to return to its source, which is Divine Love.
The awakening of Kalki began the day this Incarnation of Adi Shakti took human form. Individuals poured onto the Earth as souls in search of reality: people who were affluent started abandoning materialism; many gave up all old ideas of luxury and comfort, and took to a simpler lifestyle.
Those who get their Self-Realisation in this Age will be the white-robed horsemen (the horses being their minds) who will enter the Kingdom of God as promised in the scriptures of many faiths. The rest will be destroyed. Thus a new world of living collective consciousness will be born.
Lord Vishnu takes all these Incarnations to be the leader of evolutionary process in different stages. His Power, Mahalakshmi, also incarnates with Him, and evolves Her Incarnations in various evolutionary processes. Until the human stage, evolution takes place without the subject being aware of it. Only in the last and final stage of Kalki, when Adi Shakti Herself incarnates, will human beings jump into a higher awareness of collective consciousness, and in their lifetime, be fully aware of their ‘new birth’.