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Effective methods to clear the Chakras And AFFIRMATIONS

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Sahaja Yoga works on the «subtle» system within the central nervous system. This inner system contains the totality of the human experience .

It is the integration of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual activities. Sahaja Yoga focus is on vibrations… the primordial spiritual energy that controls the state of motion of every cell that is alive. You will learn to absorb these vibrations and to understand what
they mean

Sahaja Yoga begins with a catalytical happening the awakening of a dormant spiritual power lying coiled in the sacrum bone at the bottom
of the spine.

This residual power is called the Kundalini (Sanskrit). The function of the Kundalini is to grant us this higher consciousness of the Self
and to keep our system clean and in perfect working order

We gradually become our Spirit: Absolute Truth, attention and Joy. It is called Atma (Sanskrit). When we are connected with the inner Self, we
come to realise that the inner Self is connected
with the cosmic Self .

Effective methods to clear the Chakras


Light is used for problems on the left side. When we work with light we rotate the light in circles towards the left. (That is clockwise – if you think of the front of you as a clock).

ONE CANDLE: Used just on the left side on specific chakras and/or on the back Agnya ( bandhan 108 times)

TWO CANDLES: Sit on the floor with a light placed near your left hand. With the second light work on the left side or a specific chakra. You can also look at the photograph of Shri Mataji through the light

THREE CANDLES: Place one light near your left
hand, as mentioned above. Place a second light on
the floor behind you, near the left Swadisthan.

Use a third light to work on the left side or a specific
chakra. This is called the 3-light-treatment. Shri Mataji advises us to use this technique for problems or illnesses on the left side.


In the evening, place some warm water in a bowl and add about 3 tablespoons of salt. Sit comfortably on a chair, put your feet in the salt water and meditate. This technique is very effective. Salt mixed with the water element pulls the negativity out of the body through the feet. Do this salt water treatment for 5 to 10 minutes or until the water becomes cold. After your foot soak, pour the salt water carefully down the toilet and wash your hands. The bowl you use for foot soaking should not be used for any other purpose.

Lemons/limes and Chilli Peppers (Matka)

It is a good idea to take a Matka every now and
then, especially when you are under a lot of strain
from negativity.

Place 7 lemons or limes and 7 green chilli peppers in front of the photograph of Shri Mataji for a while to be vibrated. Cut off the stem end of both the chillies and the limes.

Put a paper or plastic bag in a clay pot. Put the lemons or limes and the chilli peppers inn. Add a little vibrated water. Close the
bag and let the pot stand in front of the picture. The
clay will absorb vibrations

Before you go to bed, open the bag and place the pot as close to your
head as possible in/close to the bed. The limes and chillies will then absorb the negativities, and the clay pot prevents it from coming back to you. Close the bag in the morning, without looking in it, and put
the whole in front of the photograph.

Repeat this for 7 nights in a row. When this is done, throw the bag
and everything in it away (preferably in a river or the sea nearby or bury it).

This treatment is surprisingly effective for clearing
out deep problems of both the left and right side.
The more time you use to clear the subtle system
morning and evening, the faster you will notice progression.

The vibrations get stronger and with that the possibility to go deeper into meditation and you can start the natural inner process that balances all aspects of life.

Sahaja Yoga Collectivity

As the vibratory rate of our subtle system increases,
we have found the desire increasing for a stronger and deeper experience. This is gained by being around others who are practising Sahaja Yoga, for as the vibratory rate of one person increases, another’s is automatically strengthened. The synergy rate becomes 1 + 1 = 11.

These positively charged vibrations have a positive effect on all those who come into the sphere of influence

Sahaja Yoga centres and ashrams are found all over the world. Weekly meetings are held in these centres, seminars are sponsored and publications and video and audio tapes are shared

In addition, at the weekly session more advanced Sahaja Yogis
clear out negativity and demonstrate techniques.

The effect of being around other Sahaja Yogis reaffirms the innate knowledge that we benefit by physical closeness to one another. When we were infants, mother’s closeness was essential. In adolescence our family and friends were vital to our sense of happiness or unhappiness.

In adulthood we know we want to love and be loved by everyone
(despite the fashionable façade of individuality).
This innate desire for collectivity can be more deeply understood, appreciated and confirmed through the practice of Sahaja Yoga.

Shoe beating

This is an ancient «cleansing» technique from Islam,
used by the Sufis to offer negativity or evil to the
mother earth. It entails drawing a circle on the
ground with the index finger and symbolically writing into the circle, something that is of concern.

Write your name first. Then removing ones left
shoe, the circle is «hammered» with the heel of the
shoe. Look at the sky or green trees/grass while beating negativity. Do not look at people or animals.

Turn Shri Mataji’s picture away from you, also any pendant with her face towards you. This in no way presupposes an outcome to the problem, but is a way of surrendering it to the Mother Earth, to be dealt with in the best possible way for all concerned.

Ice pack on liver

If you think too much and don’t manage to be free
of thoughts then your liver may be too warm. This
can also happen if you are very stressed and make
a lot of plans for the future.
An ice pack (made of ice-cubes in a plastic bag)
helps to cool the liver down. Place the ice pack on
the right side of the abdomen, for 5 minutes. This
stops you thinking so much.


Ida Nadi – Past – Moon Channel – Ying

Please Mother, take away my illusions and let me be in reality.
Please Mother, give me pure desires.
Please Mother, let me experience joy.

SUPEREGO: Shri Maha Vira – (subconscious – not a chakra) – the right side of the head
Please Mother, don’t let my past impede my spiritual evolution.


Mother Kundalini, please forgive me.
Please Mother, give me pure, good thoughts.


Mother Kundalini, I am not guilty. I am the spirit, how can I then be guilty? I accept myself and my present situation. I am contented with myself, have confidence and belief in myself


Please Mother, open my heart. I am pure spirit and pure love.


Mother Kundalini, help me to be my own Master.
I am my own Master/Guru.
I am pure truth, I am therefore my own Master/Guru.


Mother Kundalini, I am satisfied.
Mother, I have inner peace.
Mother, I am a generous person.


Mother Kundalini, I am pure truth.
Mother, you are the source of Divine truth.
Mother, please give me inspiration.


Mother Kundalini, you are the destroyer of all negativity.
Please Mother, make me innocent.


Shri Mahalakshmi – You give me perfect balance.
Shri Kundalini – May my awakening be strengthened.


Please Mother, help me to be in deep meditation.
Please Mother, free me of thoughts.
Please Mother, give me complete self-realisation.
Please Mother, strengthen my self-realisation/my union.
Please Mother, let me feel the vibrations.

Shri Ekadesha Rudra – The 11 destructive powers of Jesus over negativity, belief in God.



Please Mother, help me to witness life’s play and development.
I am a part of the whole, no more and no less.
Please Mother, let Shri Radha Krishna’s qualities develop within me.
Please Shri Radha Krishna remove the obstacles in my Vishuddhi and let me feel the vibrations.


Please Mother, protect me and keep me safe.
I am safe and I am protected.
Please Mother, strengthen my immune system.
Please Mother, give me the strength to overcome insecurity.
Mother, through your enlightenment I will always be under your protection and be connected to you.
Because of your awakening, Mother I have no fear.
Mother Kundalini, please help me to be bolder.
I am bold.


Please Mother, let the religion within me develop in me, so that I can be my own spiritual master.
Please Mother, remove the obstacles from my past.


Please Mother, increase my spiritual evolution.
Please Mother, increase the balance and satisfaction in my everyday and spiritual life.
Mother, you solve my economical and family problems and take care of me.


Mother, please release my creative energy.
Please Mother, balance my activities.



Pingala Nadi – Future – Fire Channel – Yang

May my spirit lead all my activities.
EGO: Shri Buddha – (left side of the head, not a chakra).
I surrender my ego to my spirit.
I wish to be humble.


Mother Kundalini, I forgive everyone and I forgive myself.
Please Mother, give me peace and tranquillity.
Please Mother, let the qualities of Jesus develop within me.
Please Mother, give me the strength to be in the present.
Please Mother, give me the ability to master my reactions


Mother Kundalini, you are the sweet expression of my words and deeds.
Mother, please let my speech be pure, clear, truthful, humble, quiet, soft and controlled.
Please Mother, make me collective, diplomatic and good at communicating.


Mother Kundalini, you are the responsibility within me.
Mother, please help me to take the correct responsibility.
Please Mother, awaken the «Maryadas» qualities in me (correct human interactions).
Please Mother, help me to meditate regularly every day.


Mother Kundalini, you are my Guru/Master.


Please Mother, give me pure awareness.
Mother Kundalini, you are the dignity within me.
Mother, you give me dignity in my daily life, concerning my family, the community, work and material blessings.


Mother Kundalini, I do nothing. It is you who «do» and it is you who give pleasures.


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