Encased by the skull, the human brain is conical in shape. At the very
top, in the area of the fontanel bone, it has an apex, as well as a base and three sides like a prism. These three layers of the brain are made of different material and have different densities.
The brain therefore acts like a prism with a quality of refraction. When the Divine Power enters the brain it is divided into three channels, as the prism-like brain has three sides to it like a pyramid. Of these three channels, two enter through two of the sides of the brain, and one from its apex
They pass over the primary coil, created by the heart’s throbbing (Ishwari Power), interact on each other and create seven Chakras. (See Figure X).

At a later date these subtle centres manifest as gross physical centres outside the spinal cord. They are :-
Entry of the Kundalini into Foetus the Divine Power enters the brain
Sahasrara Chakra in the brain
Agnya Chakra at the crossing point of the optic nerve
Vishuddhi Chakra manifests the cervical plexus
Anahat or Hridaya Chakra manifests the cardiac plexus
Nabhi or Manipur Chakra manifests the solar plexus
Swadhisthan Chakra manifests the aortic plexus
Mooladhara Chakra manifests the pelvic plexus
These are the body’s major plexuses which are gross in nature, but each has sub-plexuses which I have described in detail in the individual chapters on each Chakra.
When the Kundalini enters the apex of the brain, the fontanel bone
(Brahmarandhra – ‘Brahma’ means ‘the Divine’, ‘randhra’ means ‘a hole’), She descends straight down through the brain into the spinal cord .

From the two sides of the brain the Divine Power flows as shown in
the Figure X as A1 and A2. These undergo refraction at two major points and, in accord with the parallelogram of forces, the rays falling on the sloping side of the brain get divided into two components.
One pair that goes out of the body I have called B1 and B2; the other pair which enters the spinal cord I have labelled C1 and C2. This latter pair forms the left and right channels in the spinal cord known as Ida and Pingala Nadis.
These two subtle channels later manifest as the left and right sympathetic nervous system.
It is at the back of the brain that the Divine Power enters and goes
down into the spinal cord as ‘A’ Stream. It is also from the back of the
foetus that the Divine Power enters the spinal cord as ‘B’ Stream.
These two streams of divinity combine to form the central nervous system. The ‘A’ Stream allows human beings to perform voluntary actions; by the ‘B’ Stream they perform involuntary actions.
the Divine Power (Pranava) enters and settles down as three powers in the human being. The lowest one is the Mahakali Power, the second one is the Mahasaraswati Power, and the topmost one is the Mahalakshmi Power
These three Powers create three pairs of Deities and their respective Powers. Firstly Mahakali creates Shri Ganesha, then all the other Deities are created.
Shiva + Parvati (Durga)
Brahma + Saraswati
Vishnu + Lakshmi
These Deities also manifest Shri Krishna with His Power Radha, and
the Lord Jesus Christ, whose Power is His Mother Mary (Mahalakshmi
These two Deities are the evolved human Incarnations of Shri Vishnu and Shri Ganesha respectively. After this activity the Pranava,
which has divided into three, enters the spinal cord. Its lowest strand
(Mahakali or Gauri Power) disappears into the sacrum as Kundalini .
From the coil of Kundalini Shri Ganesha is placed on the Mooladhara
Chakra, which lies outside Her abode of Mooladhara