This is the Yuga of the vibrations working. It’s called as Krita Yuga now. The Kali Yuga is over now. Krita Yuga has started.
Krita Yuga The Dawn of Divine Action
The whole preparation, the whole creation was done for this thing. Like you prepare a stage and now you have to act. According to the Indian calendar this is called as Krita Yuga and not anymore as Kali Yuga. Kali Yuga is the modern times of confusion but Krita Yuga is the time where the Parabrahma, the Primordial Power will act.
We’ll act! ‘Krita’ means ‘it will work’. So this is the most important time. What is the most important time of this machine (microphone) is when it is connected to the mains. Before that all it is doing is useless. This is the completion time – complete, absolute to be achieved at this time. So it is the most important time, no doubt.
This is a very great gift of modern times which was promised long time back. Is described already in our Puranas that at the time, these modern times called as Kali Yuga, the Parama chaitanya or this all-pervading Power will become active – means there is Krita Yuga, it will become active – and through it, thousands of people will get their Realisation.
Even in the Bible they have said that it’s quite a limited number. John the [Saint] – John has written in his “Revelation” it’s quite a limited number, but we have already crossed that.
And so many people have to become realised souls. It’s very important today, and it’s so easy. “Sahaja”: ‘saha’ is ‘with’, ‘ja’ is ‘born’: ‘born with you’. Is the right to become one with the Divine, united with the Divine – that is “Yoga”. “Yoga” is nothing but to be united with that divine Power. That’s what “Yoga” is; all other things are subsidiary.
Krita Yuga Unlocking New Dimensions of Collective Consciousness and Healing

This union brings forth new dimensions on our central nervous system. As a evolution, we always develop a new dimension. By this you develop a new awareness of collective consciousness, by which you can feel other people, their centres. Sitting down here you can feel the centre of somebody – somebody who is dead, even you can feel his centres and find out what he was: was he a realised soul or not?
You can find out about anybody whether he was a realised soul or not, sitting down here. You have to just think about him, put your hands. If you are a realised soul you can feel on your fingertips what is the problem. And somehow if you know how to correct those problems, you get rid of your own diseases and the diseases of others, your own problems and the problems of others.
Only thing is that, want to remember that Krita Yuga has started. Now Kali Yuga is over, Krita Yuga has started. And in this Yuga, [remember] that the Param Chaitanya is absolutely effective and very efficient. Now if you do anything wrong, it will punish you.
It may not punish immediately but it will give you a suggestion, it will give you a proper signal that something is going wrong with you. But if you do not want to control your footsteps, then you may go down very fast. So you have to be very careful about that.
Connection in Krita Yuga Through Sahaja Yoga
Actually, I have told you some many times like that there are two forces working, one which attracts you inside one which throws you out. So, it is important for all of us, all of us to remember that this Krita Yuga is there and in that this Param Chaitanya is overacting. Also, you are evolving. You have been telling Me so many stories how Sahaja Yoga worked out, how sahaj it has happened.
All of you have been telling Me very nice stories. But it is part of your playing Sahaja Yoga and that you’re placed in the kingdom of God. So in the kingdom of God, you are there, try to enjoy it. That’s the only thing you have to do is to enjoy the kingdom of God. But if you try to, sort of, dislocate yourself from this joy, break the connection of joy by some sort of a thinking which is not reality, then, you are responsible for yourself.
So, I have to tell you that keep the connection on. Not only that, but try to make it stronger and stronger. And become one with that Divine force permanently, which will flow through you and will – not only enlighten you but will give you so many powers. And you will see this new life in this new year.
Yesterday, as I requested you, we have to work it out now. Individually, we have to go all out to see that we spread Sahaja Yoga and talk about it. On this day I give you complete freedom to do what you like to spread Sahaja Yoga. You need not ask Me any permissions and you can try everything that you want to. But it should be something decent, should not be something indecent and something that is not behaving a Sahaja Yogi.
Even if you have to write letters around and say so, anything, even if you have to show the anger, it should be done in a very decent and a beautiful manner. And it should show that it’s a Yogi who is talking.
Then, other things, whatever problems you have will be solved in no time. But the main problem is yourself, which should be solved by you, a meditative method. And so much attention we are paying to all our extracurricular activities, but that will definitely fail. It will boomerang on you if you do not have a foundation of Sahaja Yoga.
New Era of Divine Love

It’s very important to keep attention on your Spirit all the time, so that, whatever you are doing, whatever you are projecting has the base and you just don’t get lost. This is a very important thing and I’m sure that you will understand that without the nourishment from the roots, you cannot grow. So this nourishment must be kept alive.
I told you before where we call it Krita Yuga, where between the Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga this time is so important, that whatever mistakes we have committed, we have to pay for it. Is a “karmaphala”. It won’t work out by just putting it here in the left Vishuddhi So one has to get to Realization, change the genetics completely and then you can go and tell the nature that:
“All right, we are not guilty now. We’ve got our Realization.” And it will work, I am sure. So many of catastrophes of this country can be avoided by you Sahaja Yogis.
I should say and a new era started, that is the Kali Yuga, and now it is the Krita Yuga – means this All-pervading Power of Divine Love, which is the power of the Primordial Mother, became active, simultaneously with the people who suddenly became aware that they have to seek, so many of them.
So this Kruta Yuga has started and it is doing many things which were never done in any incarnation. The first thing is during this time everybody will get their “Karma phalas” (fruits of their actions), means whatever they have done wrong they will have to pay for it. Phala means the fruit. Only through self-realization the Karma phalas can be completely finished.
So now we have collective, also, karma phalas. See now for example, so many Americans killed the poor, simple people who were in America, like Red Indians and these poor things, you know, they’re completely, completely destroyed, devastated. They could not fight the guns of the white-skinned Anglo-Saxons, and the Spanish. So, as a result of that, some of them just ran up to the hills, like Bolivia and all these places, hid there.
So now in Bolivia they have discovered this drug (Cocaine), and this drug is now coming to America, and people are dying. They have to pay for their sins. Why Americans are so fond of these drugs? Why are they smuggling so much drug and why of all the things, from Bolivia it is coming? Because they are paying for their sins. Also the drugs are coming mainly to Spain, to begin with, and they are distributed from here all over. Like that, all these karma phalas are to be paid for whether it is collective or individual.
Like now Indians, we had these English people. For three hundred years they stayed in our country. They came without any visa, without anything and now if any Indian goes without a visa, they arrest him. And they divided our country into three parts. But now their country is divided into four parts. Every day there is a bomb-scare, and they don’t know how to manage these four countries which are saying that, “We are not English.” One has to pay. Very surprisingly they were very, very insensitive people who came to India, because they never bothered to find out about spirituality. Doesn’t matter, now one has to face it!
In the same way our individual karma phalas also we’ll have to pay now. You see AIDS are coming, 65% [of] people are supposed to be nervous wrecks in America. You see so many divorces, and the way the society is ruined, the way the women have become so funny. It’s very, very sad that all these beautiful people have taken to a destructive life.
Awakening of Divine Love and the Path to Self-Realization
Nowadays we have a new type of an atmosphere that has started in these modern times. In India we say this is Kali Yuga means these are the worst times for human beings. But before the age of truth comes, there is another in between age, which we call as Krita Yuga.
So the All Pervading Power of God’s Love becomes active within that time. It has become active and that is how you are going to get your Self Realization. These miraculous photographs you have seen, they are also the work of this Divine Power. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, mind and conditionings, ego but you are the pure Spirit.
The another truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. We do not even think this miracle, just imagine. Who does this living work? This All Pervading Power of Divine Love.
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