Sahaja meditation harnesses the power of the inner energy already within you known as the subtle energy, or Kundalini energy. This inner energy system includes a complete system of energy channels and energy centers, or chakras, each of which is associated with specific human characteristics and traits.
The subtle energy system is comprised of the following key components

Inner energy (Kundalini) — a vital, living energy that lies dormant in the sacrum bone and can be awakened through meditation
3 energy channels that correspond to the nervous systems in our body
7 primary chakras or energy centers that correspond to the main nerve plexuses in the spinal column
The subtle Inner Self or the Spirit
The Kundalini is the seed or primule, a reflection of the divine energy in us. The three energy channels
represent the past, present and future and capture the history of our being, as well as the physical and
mental drivers (right channel) and emotional drivers (left channel).
The energy centers are the accumulators of qualities and traits within us. And the Spirit is our ultimate
soul, or root of our existence
These key energy system components work in synchronicity to drive every aspect of our wellbeing — cognitive, emotional, physical and spiritual

The Kundalini is the primordial energy — the source of all energy
We’re all born with it and it cannot be destroyed . It is a living energy that knows how to act. However, it lies dormant within each of us until it is awakened
Sahaja meditation techniques have the capacity to awaken this energy.
We’ve known that the Kundalini energy exists for thousands of years. Meditation practitioners in ancient times documented its existence, but the vast majority struggled to explain this subtle energy, to awaken it and reliably raise it so that it actually be used in practical ways to improve their lives
A the time of our birth, the inner Kundalini energy passes through the brain and creates a vast, intricate system of energy channels and energy centers throughout the central nervous system. Once awakened, this energy flows throughout the body via the 3 main energy channels, or nadis, flowing up through 7 principal energy centers, or chakras
The three channels — left, center and right — work together in synchronicity to integrate and balance your inner energy (and thus your well-being), but each has a specific role to play

The Left Channel (Ida nadi)
The Right Channel (Pingala nadi)
The Central Channel (Sushumna nadi)
Left Channel (Ida Nadi)
The Left Channel (Ida Nadi), also known as the Moon Channel, begins at the 1st chakra (Mooladhara) and passes up through the left side of the body, crossing the Agnya Chakra into the temple and terminating on the right side of the brain
The left channel carries the energy of desire and it corresponds to our past, emotions, desires and our affection for others
Right Channel (Pingala Nadi )

The Right Channel (Pingala Nadi), also called the Sun Channel, begins at the 2nd chakra (Swadisthan) and travels up the right side of the body
The right channel is the conduit for the energy of action and planning, which drives our mental and physical activities.
Central Channel (Sushumna Nadi)
The Central Channel (Sushumna nadi), also known as the Middle Path, extends from the sacrum bone at the base of the spine (where the Kundalini energy resides) straight up the spine towards the Sahasrara
(the 7th, uppermost chakra).
The central channel is the channel of spiritual ascent, the power which sustains our evolution and guides us, consciously or unconsciously, towards the higher awareness of the Sahasrara.