Sahaja yoga Miracle Story
During my college days I was having an oral examination.
I was not at all prepared and did not take any efforts to do so.
The day before the examination I kept praying to mother to help me clear my oral exam but did not get the feeling of confidence that mother has accepted to help me.
I slept and got up for meditation in the morning.
While meditating instead of thoughtless awarness I had a thought that why am I asking from mother something that is worldy and that too without taking any efforts.
The thought developed and I seeked mother’s forgiveness to ask her something that is so low when she has given the feeling of the vibrations which are the highest.
After this prayer I felt the confidence that yes now Shree Mataji is with me and enjoyed her Nirakar presence.
After meditation I went for breakfast. There I met my friend who while conversation told me to study 8085 microprocessor pin diagram.
I studied 8085 pin diagram and memorized it – went back to the hostel, where all my friends laughed and told that the professor has not at all touched 8085 during orals.

I felt Shree Mataji has punished me for asking nonsense instead of enjoying the truth. So I told mother in my heart that I will always focus on eternal things rather than worldly matters.
When my turn came for orals as usual two of us were called. Sir asked questions to the first guy and he answered some of them.
Then sir looked at me and as he was about to aks and office boy interupred the exam with tea for sir.
This made the papers of sirs book turn due to air flow from fan.
After sir was settled again he held the turning pages of the book and then turned few more and to my surprise stopped at one and showed me the pin diagram of 8085 and told me to draw it!
There was no bound to my happiness and got the orals cleared with the knowledge of only one page from more than 300

This helped develop a strong belief that worldly benefits are the by products of our dedication and devotion towards our mother and that our focus should be establishment on our self realization.
Story of Mr. Rupesh Vaidya