35.1 C

Mooladhara Petals are in the form of tilted Swasthika

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Mooladhara Petal Meditation

Qualities of four petals of Mooladhara with affirmations are described below.

The petals are like catchment areas for the blessings or powers bestowed upon us by our Holy Mother. We will try to keep our spine straight

We will start our Mooladhara Petal Meditation with Prayer, “Shrī Mataji, please let Your Shrī Ganesha tatwa remove all the obstacles in our ascent.”

We now take Shrī Vighna-nāsha mantra.

We will take Mooladhara beeja mantra Lam {లం or लं} – 4times.

Petal 1

The first petal goes in a downward direction towards the ground.

Put both hands on Mother Earth .

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please let Your power shine in the first petal of our mooladhara and
bless us with Harmony (1A in figure XIII), Balance (1B) and Sensitivity to innocence

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please fill each cell of our being with the Identification with Joy and
Chastity united by Innocence [Integration of 1A, 1B, 1C].”

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please fill each cell of our being with the complete Dedication and
Surrender of Shrī Ganesha to Your Holy Lotus Feet.”

We now take Shrī Vikata Ganesha mantra with attention on the first petal of our mooladhara.

We will take the beeja mantra of Wham {వం or वं} – 4 times.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please bless us with the Joy of Brahmand (Pure and absolute joy of

We now take Shrī Ganesha Atharvaseersha to experience the joy of Paramananda
State. Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please generate the ‘Hidden’ power within us.”

We will wait with our attention on Sahasrara until we feel the attention to the prayer.

Petal 2

The second petal is facing towards left side.

Put left hand towards Shrī Mataji and right hand on the Mother Earth.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please let Your power shine in the second petal of our mooladhara
and make us achieve complete Mastery over temptation and evil enticement (2A).”

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please give us Mastery over evil in self (2B) and bless us with the
spontaneous Victory over spirits possessing others (2C).”

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please fill each cell of our being with the glory of Majesty and
Divinity of our pure Spirit [Integration of 2A, 2B, 2C].”

We now take Shrī Nirmal Ganesha mantra with attention on the second petal of our

We will take the beeja mantra Sham {శం or शं} – 4 times.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please make us a Humble and Confident personality.”
We now take Shrī Ganesha Atharvaseersha to experience the joy of Sahajananda State.
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please generate the ‘Prakasa’ power within us.”
We will wait with our attention on Sahasrara until we feel the attention to the prayer.

Petal 3:

The third petal is facing towards right side.

Put left hand on the Mother Earth and right hand towards Shrī Mataji.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please let Your power shine in the third petal of our mooladhara and bless
us with the Humility to God (Shraddha – 3A).”
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please develop our Wisdom (3B) and help us in becoming one with
Knowledge (3C).”
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please fill each cell of our being with Total Awareness and Witnessing
power [Integration of 3A, 3B, 3C].”

We now take Shrī Karthikeya Ganesha mantra with attention on the third petal of our

We will take the beeja mantra of Shym {షం or ष} – 4 times.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please grant us the essence of Scriptures and Truth.”
We now take Shrī Ganesha Atharvaseersha to experience the joy of Veeraananda State.
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please generate the ‘Karala’ power within us.”
We will wait with our attention on Sahasrara until we feel the attention to the prayer

Petal 4:

The Fourth petal is facing towards Sahasrara.

Put both hands towards Shrī Mataji.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please let Your power shine in the fourth petal of our mooladhara and bless
us with the Fearlessness due to the essence of Security (4A).”
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please make us aware of Collective Consciousness (4B) and grant us the
Power of Dharma (4C).”
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please make us an Embodiment of Dharma and give us complete
identification with Sustenance (i.e. religion) within [Integration of 4A, 4B, 4C].”

We now take Shrī Gouri Ganesha mantra with attention on the fourth petal of our mooladhara.

We will take the beeja mantra of Sam {సం or सं} – 4 times.

Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please fill each cell of our being with the Nectar of Existence (amrita) as an
instrument of the Divine.”
We now take Shrī Ganesha Atharvaseersha to experience the joy of Yogaananda State.
Pray, “Shrī Mataji, please generate the ‘Vikarala’ power within us.”
We will wait with our attention on Sahasrara until we feel the attention to the prayer

QualitiesChakras and Nadis
1A – Harmony …………………………………………….
1B – Balance ………………………………………………
1C – Sensitivity to innocence ………………………..
Identification with joy …………………………………
Chastity …………………………………………………….
Innocence ………………………………………………….
Complete Dedication (Nirmal Chitta) ……………..
Joy of creation ………………………….………………
Heart, Sahasrara, Sushumna
Mooladhara, Nabhi, Sushumna
Heart, Sahasrara, Chakras above Sahasrara
Mooladhara, Left Vishuddhi, Agnya
Right Swadishtana, Heart, Ida Nadi
Mooladhara, Heart, Sahasrara, Pingala nadi
2A – Mastery over temptation and evil
enticement ………………………………………………..

2B – Mastery over Evil in self ………………………..

2C – Victory over spirits possessing others ……..

Majesty ……………………………………………………..

Divinity of pure spirit ………………………………….

Humble ……………………………………………………..

Confidence ………………………………………………..
Mooladhara, Bhavasagara, Agnya

Left Mooladhara, Left Nabhi, Ida Nadi

Right Mooladhara, Right Swadishtana, Centre
Heart, Ida Nadi

Right Nabhi, Left Nabhi, Right Heart

Left Heart

Mooladhara, Heart

Centre Heart
3A – Humility to God (Shraddha) …………………..

3B – Wisdom ………………………………………………

3C – Knowledge …………………………………………..
Total Awareness =

Thoughtless Awareness (Nirvichara) + …………..

Doubtless Awareness (Nirvikalpa) …………………

Witnessing Power ……………………………………….

Essence of Scriptures and Truth ……………………
Mooladhara, Heart, Sahsarara, Ida and Pingala Nadis


Left and Centre Swadishtana


Bindu, Ardha Bindu, Valaya, Pradhakshina

Vishuddhi, Hamsa

Swadishtana, Nabhi, Sahasrara and Above Chakras
4A – Fearlessness, Security …………………………..

4B – Total Awareness of Collective Consciousness …

4C – Power Of Dharma …………………………………

Sustenance (Religion within & Embodiment of
Dharma) …………………………………………………………

Existence …………………………………………………..

Nectar of Divine love …………………………………..
Centre Heart, Sahasrara

Vishuddhi, Sahasrara and Above Chakras

Bhavasagara, Nabhi

Nabhi, Sushumna


Absorption of Param Chaitanya from Sahasrara
and Above

By a clockwise movement, Shri Ganesha initiates the faculty of creativity and the essence of aesthetics which give joy to artists who manifest it in their creation of art. The anti-clockwise moverment is for the destruction of all that is ugly and dead. The need of the seeker is indicated by whether Shri Ganesha’s activity moves onto the right side or the left side.

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