The Nabhi Chakra – Solar Plexus
Element : Water
Physical aspect :Looks after liver, stomach and intestines, spleen and pancreas

Qualities : Sense of generosity, complete satisfaction, peace contentment,, righteousness (Dharma), inner sense of morality, evolution, sense of dignity, good host
Causes of Catch: Miserliness, bad eating habits , asceticism, alcohol, drugs, family/ household problems, dominating husband /wife, too much rushing around, worrying
Deities: Shri Laxmi, Shri Vishnu
In our body this Chakra controls the stomach, the pancreas and many other organs around the solar plexus. Material satisfaction and a sense of a calm arising from a healthy Nabhi Chakra allows our attention to turn to subtler things.
The working of our subtle system : Nabhi Chakra

Researchers have found that stressed people constantly secrete the stress hormone, cortisol, which leads to higher amounts of stomach acid, leading to ulcer formation and irritable bowel syndrome When we try to beat deadlines we become speedy
The spleen is the speedometer of the body and when we press the accelerator our spleen becomes hectic. It tries to meet the panic by throwing out blood cells but when the state of emergency becomes constant then it packs up.
This results in diabetes. Artificial hunger; causes obese; Those who don’t have money run after money, and those who have money also run after it. we must understand that after our needs are satisfied, a lot more money does not produce more happiness. In fact hankering after money agitates the nabhi chakra.
Want, want, want – consumerism creates an artificial demand in the nabhi and it goes into spasms. The hunger of the body can be satisfied by food but the hunger in the mind cannot be satisfied.
A child is happy with a new toy. But new is new only for a day. Soon he demands another thing. The law of physics states that wants in general cannot be satisfied. The stress of the nabhi upsets the digestive system, it creates indigestion. Therefore our task is to calm down our stressed Nabhi.
Sahaja yoga shows how to release the stress from our nabhi with the help of vibrations.
Bhavsagar – The Void
The Void (Bhavsagara) Ocean of Illusion
Physical Aspect :Digestion
Qualities : Principle of mastery (Guru Principle), balanced life, stability
Causes of Catch :False gurus/ knowledge, fantasy, fanaticism, black magic
Diseases : Habits, laziness, gross attachments
The Void, the Ocean of Illusion (Bhavsagara) surrounds the 2nd and 3rd chakras: the Swadisthana and Nabhi chakras. When the Kundalini is awakened the ten valencies (The Ten Commandments) are awakened within. The religion becomes innate, and our whole priorities change.
For, the religion in Sahaja Yoga is the ultimate of every religion of any form. It is not limited to one religion, but has the best of all religions. All real religions are leading to one aim, to one goal. That goal is to achieve Self knowledge through our second birth.