Mantras In Sahaja Yoga In Sanskrit, “manana” means to meditate. A mantra is that which is uttered in meditation. It is the phonetisation of vibrations into a specific sound which has a direct effect on the inner being. When a realised soul (Sahaja Yogi) utters a mantra, he/she meditates spiritual energy for the specific purpose for which the mantra is intended.
Mantras and Meditation
Mantras are most effective when used whilst sitting in meditation. To do this, find a clean, quiet place. Set Shri Mataji‟s picture on a table, placing a lit candle before the picture. Sit comfortably with hands relaxed on your lap, palms upward. This can be done in conjunction with footsoaking.
After putting yourself in bandhan, keeping your attention loose, see what sensations – i.e. tingling, numbness, slight heat – you may feel in your fingers or in your body at the location of the Chakras. These sensations tell you where the blockages are in your Chakras. Clear them, using bandhan and the appropriate mantras (checking which finger or location on the hand corresponds to which Chakra).
After some time these sensations will disappear, and you will start to feel coolness on your hands.This means that the Chakras have cleared and that Kundalini is rising unimpeded.
Sometimes, you may feel the cool breeze at first, and then heat in the hands or in the body. This happens when the Kundalini starts to burn away the impurities that are clogging the Chakra, and is a good sign. The process can be helped along by footsoaking.
If the heat is more in left hand and also you do not feel vibrations on left hand, put that hand out towards Shri Mataji‟s photograph and right hand palm down on Mother Earth. In a severe case hold the left hand towards a flame of a candle, palm upwards and very near the flame (not so near that the finger gets burnt) and right hand on ground. If right hand is hot/warm or no vibrations are coming, put that hand towards Shri Mataji‟s picture and left hand palm facing upwards and towards the back. No candle.
If you are disturbed by thought or mental activity, try doing the Attention Exercise given in the Explanation of Sahaj Terms. Do not fight your thoughts, but try to just witness them and let them go. Gradually, you will find yourself in thoughtless awareness, without any effort.
Mantras in Sahaja Yoga

The AMEN, the WORD of John‟s Gospel. The AUM is the integrated power of the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit). Its essence is expressed in Shri Ganesha at Mooladhara Chakra; its manifestation is Lord Jesus Christ at Agnya Chakra.
“A” | Mahakali energy | Ida Nadi Left sympathetic nervous system. Aspect of “tamo guna”. Its quallity is Desire/Existence. |
“U” | Mahasaraswati energy | Pingala Nadi Right sympathetic nervous system. Aspect of “rajo guna”. Its quality is Action/Creation. |
“M” | Mahalakshmi energy | Sushumna Nadi Parasympathetic nervous system. Aspect of “satwa guna”. Its quality is Evolution/Awareness. |
Mantras for the Chakras
To help raise the Kundalini, we can invoke the different aspects of the Divine (Deities) which govern each Chakra. The basic form is as follows :
Om Twameva Sakshat ————Sakshat,
Shri Adi Shakti Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah
In the space indicated, say the name of the Deity related to the chakra you wish to clear. The Dieties and the Chakras they govern are on the following page:
Shri Ganesha | Left Mooladhara Chakra Innocence, wisdom |
Shri Kartikeya | Right Moladhara Valour, knowledge |
Shri Gauri Kundalini | Mooladhar Seat of Kundalini, purity |
Shri Brahma Granthi vibedhini | Brahma Granthi Knot of Brahma; Material attachment |
Shri Brahmadeva -Saraswati | Swadhistan Creativity |
Shri Nirmala Vidya | Left Swadhistan Pure knowledge |
Shri Hazrat Ali Fatima | Right Swadhistan Creative action |
Shri Laxhmi -Vishnu | Nabhi Sustenance |
Shri Gruha Laxhmi | Left Nabhi Household matter |
Shri Shesha Laxmana | Right Nabhi Liver attention |
Shri Raja Lakshmi | Right Nabhi liver, attention |
Shri Adi Guru Dattrateya | Void Guru principle |
Shri Jagadamba | Center Heart Sense of security |
Shri Shiva -Parvati | Left Heart Mother„s place; Seat of Spirit; existence |
Shri Sita -Rama | Right Heart Father‟s place; Responsible behaviour |
Shri Vishnu Granthi Vibehdini | Vishnu Granthi Knot of Vishnu; Beginning of Ego |
Shri Radha -Krishna | Vishuddi Collectivity |
Shri Sarva Mantra Siddhi | Vishuddi Collectivity |
Shri Vishnumaya | Left Vishuddhi Self-esteem |
Shri Yeshoda | Right Vishuddhi Respect for others |
Shri Vittala Rukmini | Right Vishuddhi Respect for others |
Shri Hamsa Chakra Swamini | Hamsa Chakra Discrimination |
Shri Ekadesha Rudra | Ekadesha Rudra 11 destructive powers of Christ; faith in God |
Shri Jesus-Mary | Agnya Forgiveness The Lord‟s Prayer; |
Shri Mahavira | Left Agnya |
Shri Buddha | Superego: conditioning Shri Buddha Right Agnya Ego |
Shri Maha Ganesha, Shri Maha Bhairava, Shri Maha Hiranya Garbha | Back Agnya Left Side Ida Nadi: emotion |
Shri Mahasaraswati-Hanumana | Right Side Pingala Nadi; Physical & mental activity |

Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Mahalaxshmi Mahasaraswati
Mahakali Trigunatmika Kundalini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti
Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah
Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat
Shri Adi Shakti Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah
Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat
Shri Sahasrara Swamini Moksha Pradayini Mataji
Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah
The qualities of the Deities manifest themselves in your everyday life spontaneously, bringing you towards an integration of all the qualities of the Divine.
Sanskrit is used, for when the Kundalini rises. She makes vibrations. These vibrations are sounds (the language of the Gods).