In our country, everyone has written a lot about religion since ancient times and there has been a lot of discussions. Even in temples, bells are ringing now, people also go to churches, go to mosques, a lot of work has been done in our country in the name of religion. But the real work doesn’t seem to have happened anywhere.
We go to the temple, we do everything properly, we do everything for the pooja, we come home, but even then we don’t feel that we have got anything. The inner peace, inner love, inner joy, is never found. No matter how much we do, we do not feel that we are close to God. Or we have got this Mauli(Mother), on whose lap we can rest our head and say comfortably, that we don’t want to do anything now.
I am not saying that a person should not go to the temple. Let’s go, must go. To identify the honey, let’s do flower things first, then it will be fine. So they created the embodiment of God [just to say / for good], that is, to name the flowers. From Vishnu to Shiva, as well as from Muslims to Ali to Wali, from Christians to Christ to his mother, everyone had a genealogy.
The names are all known. Even after knowing the names of the flowers, the honey was not found! We worship Sakar, take the name of Vishnu. See, in his description too, he has said – you may have heard the verse of Vishnu – that “Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham. Vishvadharam gagansadrisham meghavarnam shubhangam. Lakshmikant Kamalnayanam. ” So far so good. But where is his fly? “योगिर्भिध्यानगम्यम्।” This is a description of what the yogi knows in meditation. I do not know. Even about each deity, “Dhyanavasthita tadgaten manasa pashyanti yin yogino.” Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. But what happens is we stop at the hint.
Now let us call another type of religion that started, Christianity or Muslim religion. In it, he said, “Look, if we do flower things, we don’t get honey, so let’s do honey things.” He said that God who is is formless, not materialized, you go into formless. But how to go? That’s what happened. Hey, do things with honey, not flowers, things are things. Things do not know the Supreme. So what happened is, a horse is tied behind the car and we are driving the car! Saying, “Why doesn’t the car run, Dharmachi?”
Religion is within us, everyone has said it. Everyone has said that there is Paramatma inside us. But what happens is that no matter how much is said, it remains to be said.
I had gone to this (Gurudwara) of a Sikh afternoon. So there he started singing, “Kahe re ban khojan Jai. Sada Nivasi Sada Alepa Tohe Sang Samai” (why you are going out in search? it’s within you). The bamboo that grows in the flower, only when it is in the shade. In the same way, Hari stayed, constantly looking for Ghathai, brother. Now the song is sung, “Look for less, find less.” “Ah,” he said, “what are you singing?”
If you want to take medicine and the doctor gives you medicine, “Look, you take some ginger-sugar, it will be good.” So when you come home like, “I take ginger-sugar, I take ginger-sugar,” what medicine is he going to be? That is our way. That we don’t do what we want to do, we talk about it.
Therefore, I say that we should meditate. But how to go? But no one says that. You will meet so many speakers that we should love, love the whole world. Hey, Can love be taught? Can you love electricity? Love is inherent and that is how we feel. We love our children, we love our fathers, we love our mothers, we love our wives, we love our husbands, all of a sudden we feel love. There is no love in teaching. Then even religion is not taught. He is in us from birth, he has to know. How to go now? This is in front of everyone, how to go? How to know that Paramatman? Say it. How to do self-realization?
Many people say, “Yes, it can happen. Do this, you stand on your head, stand up for twenty-five minutes every day, and say God’s name. ” Nothing will happen! That’s a lie. “You wear saffron clothes and dance, jump, he will find God!” It’s so easy, So what about painting a sari for two rupees and dancing? Someone will say, “It will not happen. You go to the temple and take the boat. ” Ah, the name is like this, a man like Tulsidas – who wrote such a big Ramayana – used to take the name. Raghuveer himself came to him three times and they planted Tila, sandalwood, and did not recognize him.
Your “Hare Ramawale, Hare Krishnawale” came to me from Mumbai. He said to me, “Mataji, you don’t take the name of God!”
“Hey,” he said, “do you know anything about naming?” Take someone’s name! Tomorrow you will come to my door and say ‘Mataji, Mataji,’ and if you meet me on the street, will you recognize me? Do you agree with me? ” I say, come in, get to know him first, it’s going to be hard to name even once [no / is].
Then they started saying, “We have all given up, we have given up so much. By doing this, by doing that we went to the forest. Doing something, doing something and you sit in your house, you have children, grandchildren and how do you do it? You didn’t leave anything? ”
I said, “Look, I tell you this, you have a challenge. Pick up any belongings in my house, any object, even with the dust of the feet of the Supreme Being, even if it is with the dust particles.” I’m ready. ” Look around Said, “Anything, pick up what you think.”
“Nothing like him,” he said.
He said, “Then there is nothing like him, then you left and you caught!” “Hey, we didn’t catch it, so what?”
Now tomorrow is in front of the sea. If we decide in our mind that it is in our name, we are caught, it means we are foolish or not! And then let’s say we caught it and now we’re free. We don’t catch it, and who cares, Melo means everything stays here, including the fort. It doesn’t matter to you. Who is holding and who is leaving? If God could be found with such stupidity, then God is also a fool!
Ah, He is Almighty! What power he has! If a magnet with a very strong power is in a place and you don’t go there and dance in front of it with a small magnet, then jump, if not stand on your head, by doing this, if it comes to you, do it, but is it possible? Just let go of the little power you have, just pull it off quickly.
The bus is there to pull. Its power is so great that we want to draw it into ourselves. But he wants it to happen in your will. You have to have the will. He will not force you unless you want to. That is, he has raised man in his glory. His relationship is respectful. He has all the freedom.
Nowadays, people do a lot of hypnosis in Mumbai, that is, they do magic. And to make people dance like crazy with magic charms on them, to jump, what, what… type! People ate thousands of rupees. And we love it, folks! People, don’t want freedom, don’t want your glory and what are you! How big it is! Now Pradhan Saheb told about a beggar. Sometimes people become beggars, they become intentional, we don’t know that.
Suppose there is a great queen in a birth, but she will have a lot of trouble from her husband, from that king, a lot of trouble in the house, the burden of that queen will be very much on her. So she can say, “Lord, make me a beggar in the next life, but don’t make me a queen!” Her next birth will be that of a beggar, but on the inside, she is a queen, in her health, she will be a queen. You may have seen many rich people are so poor, so beggar. And how rich some of the poor are on the inside
So he has his struggle to know the Supreme, he is making all the arrangements for you. You are born again and again, you reduce your preferences, you do it, you bring it to that place, you see religion there. I mean, if such a person is a very devout Brahmin [says], “And now I hate all Muslims and all Mlenchchas in my heart”, thinking that if a Brahmin stood up today, you would be surprised that in the next life he would become a “Muslim”. Should be! I tell you.
People who work hard here…, we had now gone to Tehran. In Tehran, people are meditating, while Muslims are ringing bells and chanting. Here we see Brahmins in our Mumbai, they pray there. What madness! They go to one extreme and then to another. it doesn’t need to be seen, In the next life, you will be born “Harijan”! Do you have a right to your birth? But if you hate someone, tomorrow the world will hate you. What I say will come back to me. My “Sahaja yoga” is very easy for a person who has come out of this excess. Means “Sahaja yoga”.
If I told you to remove the seed from this seed, can anyone remove it from you? You cannot germinate from a single seed, and what a man has his mind! Hey, building a house, what’s up? Dead bricks and dead house! Is there vitality in him? Can we do at least one living thing in the world? What a man has his mind! What does he think of himself? Nothing you do. That is to say, whatever we do, we just feel like we are doing it. We don’t do anything, we do everything.
It will not become one [truth / pakka] until we realize it [until] we experience some power of it [no]. Please don’t believe me like a blind person. It is impossible to get Paramatma by superstition.
Suppose, in this room, you come from outside, it is dark. I now own this room. I know all the windows, doors, and arrangements for this room. As soon as you come, I will say, “Look, sit here, here, Sataranji is gone for you. Here is the lamp. There’s a light switch. ” You will see it slowly, you will understand, if it is, believe it, if not, don’t believe it at all. So sometimes he is an atheist rather than an atheist! That is not to say that believers are bad.
My point is that a person stuck to something can hardly get into that sea. If you want to get into the sea, you have to leave whatever is on the shore. You have to leave all the ladders to get into this hall. Does that mean the ladders are bad? How do you get in without leaving the ladder?
Then comes the second question, “Ki Mataji, how is that possible? In the past, only one or two people had self-realization. And now you say there are thousands, how is that possible? ” Why not? Hey, if in the past one or two trees used to have flowers, [now] thousands of trees have blossomed, won’t there be thousands of fruits? Have you never seen such a life? Something may have increased in life.
And this is going to happen in Kali Yuga only, otherwise, how will Satyayuga come? To change Kali Yuga, to bring Satyayuga, something special, in all living beings, a mass must be done, otherwise, Satyayuga is not possible. Instead there
Now man is standing in such a place, where he is either in the pool of good, in the pool or the pool of evil, evil & good. If people do not decide at this time that we want to bring Satya Yuga, then I do not doubt that the whole world will be destroyed! But what is already sitting in your head should be emptied a little.
Because it is like this, many people read a lot, “We saw many gurus, sadhus came, they came.” Hey, they must have come! Have they given you anything? Are you happy Have you been given peace Have you been told to love, what is it? Love should flow from the hand, knock knock knock knock, it goes hand in hand.
These are our disciples sitting here, So I say I don’t heal people because time is short, I want to make doctors. And all these people just give it with their hands, like that, There should be no vision therapist, it should be open, What happens or not? It was easy. But the man with the medical vision clung to something extravagant, saying how could he be pushed into the sea?
Anyone who wants to go to sea must leave the coast. I have indeed wandered on the shore till now, otherwise, I would have seen the happiness on someone, I would have loved someone, that peace would have originated somewhere, but I have not seen it anywhere. I have seen so many monks, hermits, and so on, not a single person has seen this thing, the thing that has come to our disciples and will come to you.
I had gone to Parva Vasai, a hundred people crossed! You will be surprised. And such an amazing event! It’s so amazing! How is it possible that people think that? But it is.
That is to say, I was born in such a state from my childhood that I had this consciousness and the transmigration consciousness remained with me. But in this birth, here, I realized, that in this birth, as long as I don’t give it to people, who are always born [with me] and don’t just give speeches. Just tell people, “You love, you become good people!” Many say that it will not work. There have been many book writers. But what happened? Do it, do it, do it! So there has to be an arrangement where,

if I bring them, somewhere, somehow [at least] to the fifth garden and let them go, they will think that Mataji has taught us something, and beyond that, beyond what is seen. When they see it, when they see it beyond, then they will think that it is,
Now, look at us, how few, very few young people are young. Now amid this youth, I had gone to Baroda. I put my speech at the university. So all our people (said), “We said we won’t let go, (Mrs.).” “But why, Dad? What is it? ” Getting rid of someone’s corpse, if not, condemn someone, if not, kill, remove! This is the condition of our children today, why? Because of him you.
We have spent so much money in the name of religion, we have run so fast, they know that this idiot [got what?] So why should we fall into this idiot? Somehow we have to do another thing, so they have done another thing. This is the condition of our children. But this is not the case with young children in the United States. This is what young children in America understand, That they did, religion, etc… they didn’t get anything, otherwise why are they so angry? How many defects are there in them? And what is Dharma Dharma? So he said, “Leave (all this),
we don’t want a house, we don’t need a door, we don’t want a mother, we don’t want a father, we all live together and live as we please.” We don’t want money, we don’t want anything, leave everything, they do all the business, with money! So, left. But who is going to benefit? So, left. But who is going to benefit? So left. But who is going to benefit?
Suppose we thought, we would hold on to it, or we would hold on to it. We are standing on the ground. At that time, [man] does not want to give up anything. Wherever he stands, he stands in awe. The whole system has been beautified by the Supreme Being within us since time immemorial fall into it. Your mother is in your womb. She is just sitting there giving birth to you. And she is going to reincarnate you, put you in the state where you will be second. She is sitting in you.
But people have. Where is your vision How Much Money Do You Make Nowadays? No, then, stand for election, if not, then serve the people somewhere! You can’t go beyond that. But you can’t go, you can’t go down to Dharma even after trying.
Nowadays people, like sitting on a horse, want to save time, save time…, why save time? Hey, we want to see where [the satisfaction is]. This is the attitude that God has given, the clock should also be said to be given by God. Everything that is outside has come from within. And he gave the watch just so you can save time, why? Get inside! As soon as the time is empty, the man becomes frightened. He runs away to the cinema somewhere…he can’t spend his time sitting alone. For five minutes I told him to sit alone, he can’t meet himself, he runs away from there! Because he has the idea that we are very dirty.

The fact is we are so beautiful ourselves! If you tell me, ‘You stay in this room for three months,’ I will be happy! I will never be bothered by it. Not because I’m beautiful, but because I’m beautiful, I can sit there and watch.
Now, in today’s Sahaja yoga, you have to understand it in simple language. I mean, a lot of books have been written on Kundalini. Among them, many people say that Kundalini deteriorates, if someone wakes up Kundalini, she will do something! He gets it, it happens! It tells many different stories. The fact is that people who do Kundalini understand that something is a mechanical thing, a mechanical thing.
And if not, they make dirty accusations like sex. This is your “mother”. Mom, everyone can forgive your murder. If you kill her, she won’t call you Br; But if you accuse her of sex, won’t she get angry with you? As much as they say that Kundalini is irritated, they make all sorts of allegations against that Kundalini, therefore! If there is a person in whom the love of God is flowing, then it is easy for him to Just like when you water a tree, just as you water a tree, just as easily as a flower bears fruit, so can you. But you have to give water if you pour kerosene on it! Water is life.
The kerosene is dead. Kundalini cannot be awakened by dead things. “Kundalini” means in simple words, now it’s Mike, not mine, the one I’m talking about, we created it properly before. God has created everything in such a way for man, for everyone. It doesn’t matter if he is educated, uneducated, from India, or England, or America. Just as a beautiful machine has been created, so man, created by the Supreme Spirit, has a connection attached to it. Now, to bring this connection back to that Paramatman, such a task is ‘Sahaja yoga’.
Now he has a lot of scripture. I am also writing books if anyone wants to read it. But why am I still writing a book? He wrote a book, he sat down (with a Bible) in his hand, it is written in it, it has this mantra in it, he sat back reciting the mantra! So even writing a book makes me feel a little stolen. The speech is the same. There are a lot of people in speech, too, who hold on to only that which will keep them out of the way. I say, forget my speech too, forget everything – just like all the steps you took, [forgot] and came inside – to forget everything.
You don’t want to say a mantra, you don’t want to say, Guru, you don’t want to chant, you don’t want to chant, everyone has thoughts. There is a small space between the two thoughts, from there I want to take your attention to me. So any thought – whether it be Guru or Dharma or God’s name – is the same thought for all of you. And once it happens then the Guru makes sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense. Now I am sitting on it, this shawl also has my vibrations.
These people cured many patients even by just taking photos of my feet. I mean, it makes sense. If water washed my feet, they would cure many ailments. The real thing is! I’m not surprised, you might think. Because, if this is the power of the Supreme Being who has designed all the creation, then what are the features in doing these small things! All diseases can go away.
Power Of The Supreme
But first, everyone must gain their inner strength. And should be obtained in complete freedom. And once it happens then the Guru makes sense, then the idol of Rama makes sense, everything makes sense.
I just said that as important as everything is, it should be easy. And a lot of people said to me in America, “Mataji, every man takes one and a half to three hundred dollars from us and you don’t take one money here, how come?” Said, “Look, you tell me how much it costs?” I don’t understand, what is the price? Do you pay the price?
It is said that these are all subconscious people. They have come here to fool you and you pay them like fools. Did you get Properly covered, it will withstand a lot of adverse conditions. And you feel happy, wow! How we fly for God !. Then when you go crazy, after ten years, you will come to me [easily / back].
That is to say, all these kinds of things happen in the afterlife. As many Babaji people as there are, everyone learns the afterlife. They do all these things by making demons place on you. All your money will be taken away, your children will be destroyed and you will be made to stand on the street and tie your knots and leave for America .
There are a lot of criminals (criminals, many criminals today) who are sitting there with their hair tied up. People are now realizing that since they are aware of the art of throwing dust, they are not aware of it! And you will be surprised that and five demons have been born in this Kali Yuga
Everyone is born from Ravana-Narkasur. And yours, showing your colors. But they will not call themselves Ravana! They will call themselves God, God, so and so! They don’t want to come to know you! There is magic in them! You may have heard that, the illusory monster! They are all born and you are like a fool, “Ahaha! Babaji came, Babaji came and took out two hundred rupees and gave it to us.
Hey, brother, I gave you two hundred rupees, so who gave you something? You are a millionaire! Give no to a poor person! Each of the rich is given a diamond necklace. What diamonds do they lack? Share with the poor?
One of our relatives came and said to me, “Babaji gave us a ring, a diamond!” They are very rich!
I said, “How much, how much do you have, a diamond (ring)?”
“It will be, it will be ten-twelve!”
He said, “So who else took this thirteenth? If you have not been happy since ten or twelve, is it coming from the thirteenth? Who took it, brother? ”
Say, “No, no, he saw my devotion.”
I said, “Hey, what is devotion? Is there a reward in the market? Be crazy, Go to the market for as much as you want! ”
(He said,) “No, I didn’t pay much for such things. I gave him only five-six thousand rupees. Later it came to my mind that they should be given money, something the ring has been given.
He is possessed by a demon. These rings are spinning and that’s where the ghost is telling everything. This is the great knowledge, the knowledge of the hereafter! And all the demons have come to this Kali Yuga. And here I am alone, telling love stories to people! And says, “Come to Sahaja yoga. Light your lamp in us, ”meaning darkness will go away. Isn’t that going to kill the darkness and scream? This darkness is going to light up.
Each of you has such a terrible lamp (such a bright lamp), (which) burned and destroyed all these. And love too! And the characteristic of love is that, like the [shield] of the sea, no matter how much the sea comes, it grows bigger, the love grows bigger. The weapon of love is above all weapons. The whole world lost to that weapon. And the same weapon started flowing from you,
see if everyone is running away with their babies! [Everyone] must go through this world! I would even go so far as to say that if Lord Krishna comes, “Now don’t kill Kamsa, Baba, even if he dies, he is born again and again” and even if Rama comes, even if he kills Ravana, you are killing the body, he is born again and again. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. That is, he will become a sadhu in the next life. Such a situation has arisen.
Let’s see how you get it, Dhulya! Here, I have heard a lot of goodness. Diameters but close to saying, have a place. There are such waves in the atmosphere here, they make me feel inside, work can happen. But I say about one or two things, “Don’t be stubborn!” The boy stubbornly sat down, that the mother is very upset
Explained, no matter how much you explain, children are stubborn! It’s too late now! Take it when we come. When Ganga came to the door, you didn’t take it, so when will you take it? But if your jug is full, what will Ganga do? Even if the sun comes to your door, and if you don’t open your door, it’s not the sun’s fault
Afterward, a householder came and said to me, ‘Mataji, look, my daughter is so sick. If you treat her well, I will accept you! ‘ “I don’t treat anyone well,” she said. This is your idea, I’m not doing anything to anyone! I’m just standing in the middle. ” I’m just standing in the middle like he’s standing in the mic and I’m talking. Now, this mike will say tomorrow, ‘I’m talking!’ I’m nothing, I’m standing in the middle.
If he wants to be cured, he will do it, otherwise, he will not do it! I have nothing. I have no favors and I have nothing to give or take. I’m just standing in the middle.
Finally, tells a story, funny, of Radha and Krishna. Once, Radhe got jealous of Murali (flute) and said, “Why are you in Krishna’s mouth? What’s so significant about a goat’s head? ” So [Murali] said, “Oh crazy, my only characteristic is that I have no characteristic at all. I am hollow [inside], I have nothing left. He plays, I just hear and see. I have witnessed it. I’m just hollow.
Now my example is that our servant eats ten times as much as me. Even if I have to eat once a day, nothing happens to me. Yet he stays hungry! One even if you feed him jellies, there is another sweet of Milk. Poor thing! And i. He needs a bed to sleep in, neat, a fan! If you put me on the ground, I will fall asleep. I will sleep even if I put it on the road. We are Shahensha, what about us? Hey, what’s the rest of Shahenshala? Comfort is at his feet.
The one who sits on comfort sits on, is the real “emperor”! [So] poverty and wealth are [thoughts] of our heads [below]. We should [see] in our nature. A woman is very poor, but what a gift she has! And even though a woman is so rich, she just dies for a penny. You may have had many such experiences with stingy people.
That is to say, Leave all these things (poverty and wealth) inside and meet the Supreme Being, who gives you all the wealth from within. And all that has happened in that creation, which we call money, and such great glory is not even with his toes or his fingers. [As] the boat turned that Lakshmi then you
Satya Yuga should come. With the advent of Satya Yuga, what is going to happen! I look forward to that era. But first I wonder if he will come to India or America! I think people in India still want to go on many more cycles, many times! Especially, our Mumbai! Let’s see how Dhulya gets it! Is on the rise. His grace and His love are constantly flowing.
We do meditation experiments in Mumbai. If you want, you can meditate. In meditation, we just want to close our eyes, not do anything. To do so would mean that you would be far from God! Nothing to do. I used to sit comfortably, just like I sit down to eat, I used to sit with an easy attitude. The power that runs through me will run through you; If you are sick, you will be healed, if you have any problem, she will let us know and, if your body is in good health and you are not clinging to something, you will easily be thoughtless.
Go Beyond Thoughtless
Go beyond thoughts. It is very difficult to go beyond thoughts! That’s what people say. I don’t think so. Now, if a person wants to go to Baroda from here, he will go to America, go to Japan and then reach Baroda, he will say so. But since we know the way, it’s very simple. It’s easy to do, easy to do! It is very easy. You sit very easily, you will feel as if you have become thoughtless. Once thoughtless, you want to get your hands on it. Our church will go and see if it has happened or not. If it’s okay (thoughtless), they’ll tell you.
There are many churches here today that are sick. If they have small children, take them out if they are very small. Because she will cry and so on… and others will suffer. There is nothing to worry about when the result will be in fifteen to twenty minutes. No one has ever suffered so much, at least not yet! Then, it won’t happen to you either. When thousands of people have Kundalini (awakened) and [no matter how many] thousands of people have passed, people have introspection, then nothing will happen to anyone. (The first experience is that you will be thoughtless).
Look at how beautiful, you have the form of Lakshmi. To Lakshmi, the whole body is given the form of a woman, that is, she must be the form of a mother. The man who has Lakshmi should have the form of a mother. How much guilt your mother takes in your stomach! If a man hits his servant as Lakshmi, then he is not Lakshmi (husband), he is a moneylender! Then she has two lotuses in her hand. What do lotuses mean? So [she] should be beautiful, like a lotus [in her smile], on her face, in her demeanor, in her speech, in everything, she should be beautiful.
A lot of swear words are coming out of his mouth and he says Lakshmipati( Owner of Wealth and money)! What Lakshmipati! Lakshmipati should be [like a lotus]. And a house like a lotus or its abode is very beautiful and comfortable in it, like a beetle going inside and sleeping comfortably if anyone comes to [his] door, he should get comfort. No no, As soon as Lakshmipati starts barking with the four dogs in the house, will not be seen.
The identity of Lakshmipati has been given a lot more, it is one hand and the other hand is that of Lakshmi. This hand means you have shelter. Someone went to your shelter and if you can’t shelter him, then what kind of Lakshmipati are you? There is no Lakshmipati in giving money to one’s children! In animals, too, the condition disappears, after a few days.
But our human beings have a lower status than animals. Until he got old, he used to save money for the boy like a miser, and when the boy grew up, he used to squander all that old man’s money. But [some] said, “Oh, give a poor man two bucks!” Dad! “Those who ask for it come every day (those who ask for it come every day)!” continue …
Reference : 1972-04-09 Public Program