In this Article to improve and keep your subtle system in balance to become the ready instrument for the all-pervading param chaitanya – the endless love of our Holy Mother for Her creation .
The ultimate treatment will always be the steadfast and unshakable trust – the ‘shraddha’ – into the power of Shri Mataji and us as Her beloved children.
Knowing by our whole being the complete oneness with the divine being of Shri Adi Shakti, together with the complete surrender to Her Lotus Feet is the highest state of consciousness, in which the power of Her divine love flows unlimited.
The many cleansing methods described should always be used with proper discrimination. As far as possible use your ability to judge with vibrations.
Do not use techniques automaticall or become fanatic, but keep and develop your sensitivity to feel what is right or wrong for you
Also keep in mind that using sahaj techniques does not mean to shun traditional medical science. If medical treatments are necessary do not avoid them, but support them with vibrations.
The Yogi’s Tools

Shri Mataji’s picture
Shri Mataji’s photos, audio recordings and videos are a lasting source of vibrations. Keep them dear to your heart.
Clean Shri Mataji’s pictures with rose water and reverently adore Her with a red bindi of kumkum.
How to improve the sensitivity
- Massage your hands with oil
- Improve your Vishuddhi chakra
- Use the camphor-ghee treatment for your nose

“Therefore you must first get this thing and real cool vibrations are coming from your hands. Like cool as if it is coming from a cooler, like this it should come from your hands.” (1975-0329 ) Mumbai
“Actually those who suffer from low Kundalini rising, if they could rub oil on their feet and wash their feet, it’s a very good thing.” ( 1976-0402 ): New Delhi
“You see, to begin with, you see, it has something to do with your nervous, all right? So if your nervous system is disturbed, you may not feel it, at all. For the nervous system, best thing is to do massage.
You see somebody should massage their back, hands. Also I have told many a times that you rub your hands with vibrated olive oil quite a lot, and rub these things so they become sensitive.
Could be with insensitivity; but if they can feel the catches in the body, that means they’re all right, only their Vishuddhi is not all right. Rub the thing on the Vishuddhi. Work on Vishuddhi, clear it out. And for Vishuddhi
if you can use, say, butter, to rub on the here and rub all these muscles, you see, with that, all these things will work out for your hand.” (1982-0806) : Dedication and Devotion, London
“Now what does that mean that your Vishuddhi chakra is not all right? First of all by temperament you are not a collective person – by temperament. You are not a person who enjoys collectivity much” (1983-0202) Vishuddhi Chakra, Public Program, Delhi
“Shoulders are to be kept intact, but while saying just yes, you need not go on ‘yes, yes, yes,. Is very, very simple thing, but it can have a very bad effect, and those who move their shoulders too much do not feel vibrations much because the chakras are not alright.” 1983-02.04: Sahasrara Chakra, Hanuman Road, New Delhi
Raising the kundalini and applying bandhan
These are the standard practices you learn from the very beginning. Still continue to apply them with diligence regardless for how long you already practice Sahaja Yoga.
You have to always feel how the kundalini is rising and that your chakras feel protected when giving the bandhan .
A good practice is also to raise your kundalini and put yourself into bandhan before leaving your home.
Perform the following actions until you feel that vibrations have improved and start flowing.
Clearing the left and right side

For cleansing the left side or channel, the ida nadi: direct the left hand towards Shri Mataji’s picture and put the right hand flat on or towards Mother Earth.
To enhance the effect put a candle in front of your left hand. Ask: “Shri Mataji, please cleanse my left side.”
For cleansing the right side or channel, the pingala nadi: point the right hand towards the picture and the left hand towards the sky with the palm facing backwards. Ask: “Shri Mataji, please cleanse my right side.”
Balancing the left and right side
For balancing the left side: take the energy from your right side by raising the right side with your right hand (the palm showing towards you) up to the forehead chakra (where the two nadis meet at the Hamsa and then cross over at the Agnya) and then bring it down into the left side.
Do this several times, possibly up to 108 times.
For balancing the right side: move the right hand in the opposite direction, which means raising the left and lowering the right side
Cleansing of chakras
Keep the left hand towards the photograph whilst the right makes circular movements with your finger towards the chakra in concern.
Move the right hand clockwise when you work from the front and anticlockwise when you work on someone else from behind. This applies for all chakras. Then shake off any negative energy with the right hand.
Energising chakras
To improve the left side and centre of a chakra put your left hand towards Shri Mataji’s picture and the right hand on the particular chakra.
For the right side place your left hand on the chakra and point the right hand towards Shri Mataji’s picture
Giving vibrations
Giving vibrations to someone else will improve also your own subtle system as the flow of vibrations through your hands will get stronger.
Raise your kundalini and give a bandhan to yourself and then do the same to the person you are working on. Then check his or her vibrations.
Hold the left hand towards Mother’s picture. With your right apply the methods of cleansing and balancing of affected chakras as described above.
Work on the person till the cool breeze is clearly felt above the Sahasrara.
Finally, raise again the kundalini and give a bandhan to the other person and then to you. Remember, that you are not the ‘doer’. Let the intelligence of your kundalini guide you. Say: “I’m not doing it. Mother, you are doing it.”
Even when you are giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything.” 1976-0330: Gudi Padwa, Delhi
“Loving means giving – doing without any expectation – just doing and enjoying. The greatest is giving vibrations. That is ‘amruta’; vibrations do not die.” 1980-1109: Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Hampstead, London
“By giving power you mean that you give the vibrations to those which are other things, not human beings – like all other living things, like plants and animals. And you find that they also change in their productivity, in their beauty, in their taste, in their colour, in their glow.” 1977-1231: Self Realization, London, UK
Giving bandhan on the palm of the hand
The power of a ‘circular bandhan’ over the palm of your left hand is an appeal to the Divine to grant help. As with all methods, it works with a pure heart and being thoughtless, in the state of yoga.
This type of bandhan can be done individually or collectively.
With your right index finger write into the palm of your left hand whatever you want to protect and give it a bandhan. Be thoughtless and leave it to the Divine to solve the issue. Avoid any specific expectations of what should happen.
Shri Mataji has stressed multiple times that Sahaja Yoga as an evolutionary breakthrough for humanity is a collective process.
We have often experienced that the oneness of attention or desire of a local or international collectivity of yogis, the ‘sangha’ of the realised souls, has a multiplying effect. It is a great force for the betterment of this world. Please use it!
The collective naturally soaks up shortcomings in vibrations of an individual. One could say, the sum is more than its parts.
Dedication and surrender
Surrendering everything with complete faith at the Lotus Feet of our Holy Mother is the ultimate way to remove your obstacles.
Be like Shri Ganesha, Shri Mataji’s beloved Eternal Child.
In your meditation, when your attention is settled in the Sahasrara chakra, feel Shri Mataji’s Lotus Feet above your head. Surrender everything to Her, which comes to your mind.
“… gravity is the integration of your Shraddha, of your Dedication, and your surrender. Without that gravity you cannot nourish yourself, you cannot grow.” 1985-0629: Guru Puja, Paris
Puja – the offering
Taking part in a puja or performing a puja yourself to the Divine in its different aspects is one of the subtlest and sweetest forms of cleansing. As we express in it the devotion, respect and thankfulness to God we receive in return Divine blessings.
Love – the ‘bhakti’
Be confident that your Divine Mother and Divine Father love you all the time. Whatever happens, be sure of their constant loving attention and caretaking. And also remember to love yourself.
“… the dynamic power of love can transcend all the evil powers of the world.” 1973-0828: Shri Krishna Puja, Mumbai
Giving Self-Realization
Shri Mataji has mentioned again and again, that giving self-realization is one of the most important tasks for Sahaja Yogis.
Establishing more and more realised souls is necessary to lead humanity into the next step of evolution.
Apart from fulfilling this important mission it is nourishing and it develops our own subtle system. In this way both, the one who receives and the one who passes on realisation benefit enormously