The path of Adi Ida Nadi originates in the right side of the brain of the Virata (the Macrocosm or the Primordial Being), and passes through the Adi Agnya Chakra towards the left side of the spinal cord. This channel is reflected in a human being (the Microcosm and a cell of that great Primordial Being), as the Ida Nadi.
The Adi Ida Nadi sustains the collective subconscious which is connected by reflection to the subconscious mind in human beings, and represents the emotional side of the Virata.

The Primordial Heart of the Great Being, where Lord Shiva resides as presiding Deity, is also looked
after by this channel. The Adi Ida Nadi was the first channel created by the Mahakali aspect of Adi Shakti, and represents the existence of being
In human beings desire arises to express itself. The desire just exists but is not materialised, hence
it is not apparent. In the same way, this Adi Ida Nadi was created to express the desire of Adi Shakti to create, and the Adi Pingala Nadi was created to give material expression to Her desire.
Desire is an emotion but not the material manifestation. In a poet, the emotion rises by the Ida Nadi, but he composes his poem through the help of the Mahasaraswati power which is the right-sided Pingala Nadi
The collective subconscious creates desires and emotions, and is strongly connected to the Adi Shri Ganesha in the Body of the Virata.
Therefore the emotions that arise from the subconscious are deeply connected to innocence. Another function of the Adi Ida Nadi is to collect all that dies in creation.

It collects in the collective subconscious all that is thrown out of the evolutionary process. The Adi Ida Nadi has seven concentric channels which open out from one to another
After the death of a human being his body only loses its earth element. The rest of the body remains around the spirit. It exists as soul in the atmosphere for at least thirteen days, then it passes into the subconscious mind of the Virata (Paraloka)
It rests in different strata of this Paraloka. Good people form good souls, but at death, as the Kundalini
escapes and the Deities disappear, all the powers of Kundalini also go out of the body of the soul.
The Kundalini keeps close to the soul and watches its doings, but has no power to control it. Souls of bad people, therefore, commit all kinds of sins
One cannot evolve in the subconscious state, but one can go down by committing sin. Very low types of souls who hover around, or enter into human beings, are given up by their Kundalini which shrivels and
disappears in the Pranava
Such horrible entities become independent of the evolutionary process. They are satanic, and bring forth the demonic play of evil on this Earth. They are hurled by Shri Ganesha into the collective subconscious, and later into hell
They will be finally destroyed at the end of this cycle of creation, when eleven destroying forces (Ekadesha
Rudras) will issue forth from the forehead of Kalki (Jesus Christ), the tenth and final Incarnation of Adi Vishnu.
The good souls live in Paraloka. They go on reducing their size. They become very small to form the sperm, while the ovum with which they combine is formed by the earth element.
People can be broadly divided into four categories. There can be no hard and fast rule about these categories as souls can ascend or descend according to the mode of activity
Bad People
Rakshasas, very bad and depraved people, very egoistical people, very suppressed people.
The Unconscious is not interested in the first category of people. When animals die they may also enter into human ova, so some human forms are born with an animal personality. If the human atmosphere is more congenial to the animals, then they take their birth as human beings.
This may help explain why there is a problem of over-population on Earth in these modern times of Kali Yuga.
Ordinary People
Normal people, very good people, people who are seeking, innocent people, awakened people, religious people.
The Unconscious is very much concerned about the second category. Its work in this area is very delicate. It arranges the meeting of ovum and sperm in such a manner that the two halves of the same personality
are re-formed. If people have a good marriage system, with the consent of the collective consciousness, it makes the choosing of the respective father and mother much easier.
The marriage system should be based on the understanding of the working of the Unconscious. Such marriages provide an environment in which this second category of people can be born. They are mostly born with the same body and the same soul they had previously.
Superior People
Realised souls, fully self-realised souls, God-realised souls.
The third category of souls are given very great importance by the Unconscious. Their parents are chosen with great care. They have the same body and the same soul as in their last life, but they choose
their time of birth and of their death. They are mostly born when an Incarnation takes birth.
Finally Incarnations themselves choose their parents, their time and place of birth. They are born with a particular subtle co-efficient of proportions to their body. They choose their life and their death. They are
the manifestation of God’s aspects, and carry the Chakras of the Virata in their manifestation
A soul is thus born again and again. In the mother’s womb the sperm, formed by the Mahasaraswati power and containing the soul (consisting of the five elements less the earth), and the spirit enter into the ova (formed by the Mahakali power), which is the earth element, and an embryo is formed. When the embryo fixes itself to the wall of the uterus, the Kundalini enters through the fontanel bone (Brahmarandhra) at the top of the skull.
Actually it is the entry of the Kundalini that fixes the foetus to the uterine wall. In ordinary language, we can call the soul, spirit. The spirit properly so-called, the Atma, is actually dormant, and only manifests its light after SelfRealisation has occurred.
When Self-realised souls die their Kundalini stays in the soul, as the spirit (Atma) becomes one with the Kundalini. Even in this category, though, there are three or four distinctly different types of souls who take their birth according to their achievements and advancement.
Realised souls are able to see the Kundalini as twisted, coiled identities in the atmosphere. They can also see good and bad souls as round bodies, their colours expressing their quality. They do not see the body of the souls, but possessed people can see such bodies as they belong to the subconscious strata themselves.
God-realised souls know when an Incarnation is born, because they see signs in the atmosphere. This is one of many ways used by the Unconscious to inform them of such important births.
Those spirits who are dissatisfied souls (atripta atma) descend into the Earth’s atmosphere, and hover there before entering into a suitable living human being. Host bodies are of various types, such as slaves of sex, alcohol or drugs, or suppressed people who like to enjoy the emotions of an egoist.
Other possessions are carried out by artists, doctors, musicians, poets, or politicians, trying to relive their talents and experiences through a living personality. They want to enjoy human existence, but without
the burdens of an actual human life.
As such spirits are subtle they can enter and leave human personalities at will. Being minute, many of them can invade a single living human being.
The collective subconscious (Paraloka) of the Virata is where dead spirits are stored in different strata according to their desires and actions. In this Paraloka, the spirits of recently dead human beings take decisions about their ascent according to their own individual seeking path. The deity Mahadeva (Shiva) decides their next birth for them.