In human heart there is Shri Shiva’s place from where Shri Shiva witnesses everything. He manages the emotional side of the world. And this is Pranav which comes into the heart and vibrates. When this energy raises in human beings it is felt as vibrations in the heart. When it is felt in heart it is called ‘Anahat’ meaning ‘without percussion’. Then you can feel the vibrations.
Shiva Tattva (Principle) is our spirit. all this effort, all this evolution is for knowing that principle which is Shiva Tattva, Shiva Tattva is the Primodial Tattva, it is the principle of Sada Shiva, it is Eternal, and from that all the other principles came out and human beings were created.

Now human beings should know that Shiva who wished to make this creation and create humans beings in it and those human beings should know God, Have his power and should be engrossed in the joy of that power and in his work and he also wanted human beings to experience it This has happened through Sahaja yoga.
Even if you received your Realisation through Vishnu Tattva, what you obtain is Shiv Tattwa. This Shiva principle flows from the hand and we feel it as a Chaitanya Lahari(vibrations), this is the yoga you have attained Shiva has put his power, that is Shiva Shakti, we call it Mahakali Shakti, only a small part is put in every human being as kundalini which pierces the six chakras and ultimately unites with Shiva.
Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Shiva sākshāt
Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah
Aum Shivam Shiva-karam Shāntam Shiv’ātmānam
Shiv’ottamam Shiva-mārga-pranetāram pranato’smi Sadāshivam
Shiva | You are… Auspicious |
Shaṅkara | Compassionate |
Swayam-bhū | Self-existent |
Pashu-pati | The lord and protector of the animals |
Kshamā-kshetra | The field of forgiveness |
Priya-bhakta | The favorite of the devotees |
Kāma-deva | The god of love |
Sādhu-sādhya | Achieved easily by the saintly |
Hṛit-pundarīk’āsana | He who dwellsin the lotus of the heart |
Jagad-hitaishī | The well-wisher of the universe |
Vyāghra-komala | Tender to the tiger (Shri Bhairava) |
Vatsala | .Both loving and beloved |
Dev’āsura-guru | The preceptor of the gods and of the asuras |
Shambhu | The bestower of blessings |
Lok’ottara sukhālaya | The abode of the most excellent happiness |
Sarva-saha | The bearer of everything |
Sva-dhṛit | Self-supported |
Eka-nāyaka | The sole Lord |
Shrī-vatsala | The darling of the Goddess |
Shubha-da | The bestower of auspiciousness |
Sarva-sattv’āvalambana | The supporter of all living beings |
Sharvarī-pati | The lord of the night |
Varada | The bestower of boons |
Vāyu-vāhana | The one whose vehicle isthe wind (of vibrations) |
Kamandalu-dhara | The holder of the water pot (for rites) |
Nad’īshwara | The lord of the rivers |
Prasadasva | Pleasing to the Self |
Sukh’ānila | The pleasing wind (vibrations) |
Nāga-bhūshana | The one who wearsserpents for ornaments |
Kailāsa-shikhara vāsī | The one who resides at the peak of Mount Kailash |
Trilochana | Three-eyed |
Pināka-pāni | The one who holds the mighty bow Pinaka |
Shramana | Ascetic |
Achal’eshwara | The lord of the mountain |
Vyāghra-charm’āmbara | The one who wears the tiger hide |
Unmatta-vesha | The one having the guise of a madman |
Preta-chārī | Going about surrounded by bhoots |
Hara | The destroyer |
Rudra | Fierce |
Bhīma-parākrama | Of terrible exploits |
Nat’eshwara | The lord of the dance |
Nata-rājā | The king of the dance |
Īshwara | The lord ofspiritual reality |
Param-shiva | The supreme Shri Shiva |
Param’ātmā | The supremeSpirit,theSoulofthe cosmos |
Param’eshwara | The supreme Lord |
Vīr’eshwara | The lord of heroes |
Sarv’eshwara | The lord of all |
Kām’eshwara | The lord of love |
Vishwa sākshī | The witness of the universe |
Nitya-nṛitya | Ever-dancing |
Sarvā-vāsa | The one who residesin all |
Mahā-yogī | The great yogi |
Sadā-yogī | The primordial immutable yogi |
Sadāshiva | Lord God Almighty |
Ātmā | The Self |
Ānanda | Joy |
Chandra-mauli | The one who has the moon as a crest jewel |
Mah’eshwara | The great Lord |
Sudhā-pati | The lord of nectar |
Amṛuta-pa | The drinker of nectar |
Amṛuta-maya | Full of nectar |
Pranat’ātmaka | The soul of the devotee |
Purusha | The divine spiritual Being |
Pracchanna | The hidden one |
Sūkshma | Very subtle |
Karnikāra-priya | Fond of the pericarp of the lotus |
Kavi | The poet |
Amogha-danda | Unfailing punishment |
Nīla-kantha | The one with a blue throat (having drunk poison to save the world) |
Jatī | The one with matted hair |
Pushpa-lochana | The one with eyeslike flowers |
Dhyān’ādhāra | The support of meditation |
Brahmānda-hṛid | The heart of the universe |
Kāma-shāsana | The chastiser of Manmatha (Cupid) |
Jita-kāma | The conqueror of lust |
Jit’endriya | The conqueror of the sense organs |
At’īndriya | Beyond the scope of the sense organs |
Nakshatra-mālī | Wearing a garland of stars |
Anādyanta | With neither beginning nor end |
Ātma-yoni | The origin of the Self |
Nabha-yoni | The origin of the firmament |
Karunā-sāgara | The ocean of compassion |
Shūlī | Master of the trident |
Mah’eshvāsa | The bearer of the mighty bow |
Nitya-sundara | Ever beautiful |
Ardha-nār’īshwara | He whose other half is Shri Parvati |
Umā-pati | The lord of the Mother |
Rasada | The bestower of sweetness |
Ugra | Frightful |
Mahā-kāla | The great destroyer |
Kāla-kāla | The destroyer of death |
Vaiyāghra dhurya | Foremost of those with the nature of the tiger |
Shatru-pramāthī | The suppressor of enemies |
Sarv’āchārya | The great preceptor of all |
Samāna | Equanimous |
Ātma-prasanna | The contented soul |
Nara-nārāyana-priya | Fond of Shri Vishnu in the forms of Nara and Narayana |
Rasa-gñya | The knower of taste |
Bhakti-kāya | The embodiment of devotion |
Loka-vīr’āgranī | The leader of the heroes of the world |
Chirantana | Eternal Being |
Vishwam-bhar’eshwara | The lord of the Earth and of the universe |
Nav’ātmā | Born-again soul |
Nava-yerūsalem-īshwara | Lord of the New Jerusalem |
Ādi Nirmal’ātmā | The primordial Self of Shri Mataji |
Sahajayogi-priya | Fond of Sahaja yogis |
Sākshāt Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī
Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah