Sahaja Yogis are the people who have been enlightened, who have got their Self-realization by Kundalini awakening, by the spontaneous (Sahaja) method. They are like seeds which have been sprouted, whose living process in spirituality has started
To be leader is a much higher test than just to be a Sahaja Yogi, because the leader has to be an ideal for others to follow. He should know and master all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga, the modus operand of awakening the Kundalini, giving realization to others .
So, a leader has to have an approach towards other SahajaYogis in the centre that he leads from the heart, and not pay a lip-service. The leader should be patient listener, not criticising or jumping to conclusions .
The Leader should know every member very, very deeply.
He should always try to find out why there is a problem and how it can be solved extremely gently, with care
The leader has to first face himself and has to purify himself so that his own purified life will enlighten others much more easily than giving lectures
That means the leader should become first his own leader, experimenting all his beautiful ideas upon himself, so that he should know how he can manage himself before he tries to handle others.
The leader should be very active, efficient, prompt, forgiving, generous, respectable and loving. If he is not respectable then respect cannot be demanded from the other members.
The Sahaja Yogis will definitely respect him and trust him automatically because he manifests respectful qualities. The leader should never try to enhance his own credibility by diminishing that of others
A leader must know that we have achieved a state by which we can put our attention absolutely on
the pivotal point of peace, which he should practise again and again and master it.
The leader must through his experimentation and the proofs he gets believe as reality that we are now in the Kingdom of God, and the power of His love, the Paramachaitanya, is completely knowledgeable and absolutely efficient .
In Sanskrit: “Samanyas asamanya“. Awareness is the source of your ability to lead.
So the leaders must try to watch the growth of his awareness o things very carefully. It is very easy because you can depend on your Kundalini, who will make you aware of whatever subtle area you want to be aware. You can achieve it by using your power to project your attention to whichever area you want to know about, and it will work out.
Your attention can be mastered by you as a leader and then you can teach all other Sahaja Yogis how to master this art of directing your attention through your Kundalini.
The leader should not stir up any emotions violently, but delicately allow the emotions of the Yogis to come up and allow them to calm down by themselves.

The leader must step back in silence and be gracious. Your silence will definitely calm down the fighting spirit of any angry group member. So the leader must know and master the skill of silence, which makes the Divine power take over.
The leader should have his absolute values and Divine experiences intact. He should never project them or give his own colour to them. He should not try to outshine the teachings of Sahaja Yoga, and never entangle Sahaja Yoga in the network of words that is ‘Shabdajalam’.
The leader should not try to be spectacular or a show-off-but should be innately humble. If he seeks fame he will be carried away from reality and his great task of the emancipation of human beings
The leader when not able to handle anyone, should inform the world Leader. Without the permission of the world leader he cannot ask anyone to leave or take anyone back into the group
The leader in silence can feel the content and the concern of the group and also the mood like the seasons of the year. SahajaYoga is a living process, so it is to be worked out like an expert.
Like a flower if someone is losing one’s freshness then find out the root cause and help the individual. Sometimes the whole garden could be under attack, so find out the real problem and try to solve it through Sahaja Yoga methods.
The efforts of a leader should be to create an honest and an open group. His job is to facilitate and illuminate what is happening, have very few rules and taboos. Too many rules reduce freedom and responsibility. Moreover, enforcement reduces spontaneity.
Remember that all of the group of persons are yogis, they are enlightened people. Manipulation will breed evasion. Every law creates an outlaw.
In the light of the awareness of the leader the group will grow as an honest, open, loving group , acting in a wholesome manner. Their behaviour towards each other, towards the leader and towards others in the society will be very peaceful and gracious.
The leader should be softly-spoken but strong, like water which can cut rocks but cannot be cut. The leader should know that we are all part and parcel of one unity, one body.
Any harm anywhere in the body hurts the whole
so he has to be very careful not to take sides or hurt anyone who is yogi. All things which are against the whole create bad vibrations and negative forces build up, and sometimes they might explode and become a very big force against SahajaYoga
The leader should know about, and respect, all traditional religions, all the incarnations, prophets, seers and all the realised souls of the past and the present.
They should be aware of these religions, which have been in their purest forms once upon a time, and might have deviated from the right path.
That deviation can be easily detected by an enlightened soul. The people who have deviated go into a kind of a conditioning which creates a blind faith and a complete halt to the further progress of spirituality
Every religion has said that you have to have your Selfrealization, your second birth, but these people can just brand themselves as self-realized or selected or elected people, and can go ahead with their blindness into the darkness of destruction.
Now, if they believe in God Almighty as the Father, and not in the Primordial Mother, then they can commit sins against their mother and the sins against the mother are absolute immorality.
Such people will find their freedom to go into all areas of immorality which will give them all kinds of horrible diseases and troubles
Also the leader can read books which are written by some enlightened people to show where they have gone wrong. They should not say that “I say so” but they can use some other book like Khalil Gibran or William Blake or someone like that to show how things were said absolutely in a wrong manner by some of the people who managed to enter into the scriptures and master them
If you take a very motherly attitude you will understand that these are like lost sheep and they have to be saved with great kindness, compassion and attention. But in case it is too difficult you should not bother about them.
Leave them alone and may be one day they may work out better because if the Kundalini has started working in them, gradually they will come round.
Sometimes the people who are lost in blind faith are never seeking their enlightenment or their second birth. Leaders should not force the illumination of such people because it is a big task. Instead of that, try to look after easier people who are earnestly and honestly seeking the truth.
If we understand that all the incarnations are coming from the same source through their inner Divinity enlightening then automatically we will know that there is a higher life than just blindly believing in some faith
Somehow they should know the basic principle that all religions are the same. They came in at different times and they had to work it out according to the times: Samayachar.
Knowing the self, Gnyana is higher than reasoning. Reasoning conies from ego, but absolute knowledge
comes from the self. The leader should follow i, a spiritual life, enjoying his spiritual values and his Gnyana will grow more and more on his central nervous system.
The leader should develop himself fully, but if he needs to he can take help from the world leader. He has all the freedom that gives him complete responsibility to decide for himself. But if he finds himself in a situation where he needs help from any other leader or from the world leader, he should go all out because they are al your own, part and parcel of the one whole.
The leader should not be money-oriented, materialistic personality. He should not be rigid, tough or aggressive demanding about material things. He should not ask for money, but he should give away his things and his money as presents to people or to help them.
The modern materialistic society should never be a model for a leader.
The leader should lead a very clean, neat and artistic life. He should also respect tradition in his dress and household.
The leader should know about the world-wide growth of Sahaja Yoga and whatever is taking place
They should keep all the cuttings from the newspapers, if the media is criticising SahajaYoga, then it should be noted. It i good in a way that we can see our shortcomings. If the media is not honest one should not worry about them
All successful experiments of Sahaja Yoga in other areas of medicine, agriculture, sciences, music, arts and crafts, literature, drama, poetry, business, education and schools, photography and architecture must be recorded carefully. They should be reported to all the city centres.
The miracles of Sahaja Yoga must be recorded and should be reported to the world leaders.
The miraculous photographs must be reported and shown. They should not be shown to people who are not seeking the truth.
Leaders should not get into quarrels about the property of Sahaja Yoga. They should know that this property belongs to God, and they should in no way claim anything as their own, which is supposed to be that of the collective. They should, of course, be fully aware of the list of the things that are collective and all things should be kept in proper conditions.
The accounts must be absolutely clean and clear-cut. There should be no money collected without the permission of the world leader. All the accounts must be shown to every member of the society. All accounting should be done in such a manner that people should watch and see for themselves your expertise as far as the maintaining of the accounts are concerned and the honesty with which you have handled the money.
The best thing is to give the money to some group of people who can be called the finance committee, who should look after it and decide where it should be spent. Of course, the leader should have the overall charge of the money.
One of the weaknesses of human beings is money, and when they start seeing money they may try to take advantage of the human weaknesses. So a leader should be quite aware of people who have still got this lingering weakness for money and should try to put such people into places where they do not deal with money.
After some time with their growth they will become extremely honest people.
A second weakness human beings have is for women or men. This can be overcome by the practice of Mooladhara cleansing. If Mooladhara is cleansed it will improve a person who has this kind of weakness. But if there is somebody with this kind of weakness, please ask such a person to go out of SahajaYoga, because one bad apple can spoil the whole box of apples
But even if it does not, it can create a problem for all the men or all the women who are living in that Ashram. So a man who is a flirt or who takes to women very much, such a man must be kept outside the Ashram.
Celibacy in Sahaja Yoga is that you live with one wife and with full confidence, and it also means that you have to be with one wife all your life without even looking al another woman. That is the aim of SahajaYoga in the future.
Actually this kind of attention, moving all over the women suddenly recedes back into yourself and then you start seeing the good points of your wife and you want to lead a very good life.