The Vishuddhi Chakra – Cervical Plexus
Element : Ether
Qualities : Divine diplomacy, detachment, witness state, collective consciousness, self esteem, pure relationships, connection with the whole, Madhurya (sweetness)
Physical Aspect :Throat, neck, mouth, teeth, face, nose, tongue, ears and ankles.
Causes of Catch: Guilty feelings, feelings of superiority/inferiority, sarcasm, criticism, lack of witnessing .
Deities: Shri Radha – Krishna
Situated at the level of the throat, this center controls all our articulation and our communication, the movement of our hands and arms, our facial expression and our speech, as well as the senses of taste and smell. On the physical level it caters for the Cervical Plexus
The working of our subtle system: Vishuddi Chakra
Stress at throat is caused by pollution. We are a collective body, fumes, nuclear wastes, toxins, viruses are carried from one city to the whole country, and country to country. We are like one body, a problem in one part effects the whole body
Inside us the subtle system of chakras is the same in all of us. If one person’s chakra catches, it percolates the whole. It catches the whole. This can be seen in the case of the common cold virus, and more tellingly covid virus. Thus if the throat i stressed, the stress gets viral.
From this we can better understand how the collective can also stress us. For instance a viral in the office affects all the employees.
Another common cause of stress at throat is the feeling of guilt.